Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Originally posted by: quattro1
I dont get these comments. Why is it bad for one company to do this? Vantage has a physics tests, you can either do it on the CPU or you can do it on the GPU if your card supports it. All it really shows is that physics on an NV GPU is faster than doing it on a CPU. Its a feature one card has the another does not. Whats wrong with that?
ATI supports DX10.1 does that mean they are "cheating" or a cheap move? Physics on the GPU is just like any other feature that one card has over another.
So how is ATI supposed to compete here? Is nvidia going to give them rights to develop physx support for their GPUs? And by give I do mean
give, because selling ATI a license hardly levels the playing field when it comes to 3DMark.
A feature that is owned and controlled by nvidia doesn't belong in a multi-vendor benchmark tool.
FWIW I'm a long time nvidia owner. I have literally never owned an ATI video card, & I currently run 2 x G92 GTS in SLI. So if I'm biased at all it's in nvidia's favor.
[EDIT]Please forgive me if I've missed any recent news about ATI & physx... I haven't seen anything since nvidia bought out physx[/EDIT]
Viper GTS