Nvidia warns


Platinum Member
Nov 14, 1999
It's Nvidia turn now.


According to Huang, they maintained/increase their market share, so assuming the most of the revenue shortfall comes from inventory write-off, they will be back on track next Q.

Some other notes from CC:

Downturn is worse then expected, AMD/INTC affected as well (heard this before)

OEM's want cheap crap (basically, TNT Vanta and M200), as the result, they sold more of these in this Q then the last. That affects the ASP's, obviously.

As I mentioned above, they maintained standalone desktop market share, and increased mobile (not at the expense of ATI).

One time write-off due to way too many NForce chipsets/Xbox chips build.

Including the write-off charge, results will be at or above break-even.

NV30 is in the process of being taped out. Which means mid-late November as a best case scenario (90 days for 2-3 rev), and late December/early January as more realistic estimate. CEO said Christmas season, but who knows. One thing for sure - don't plan on getting on these next month, it ain't gonna happen.



Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
There are times I wish I owned more stock in Nvidia just so I could force them to get rid of their cheap parts. Not only is it killing the profits, but it isn't doing much for gaming either.:eek: I still think Q4 will be killer though, with the NV30 comming out(and it will make it, I have faith in Nvidia up to that point) the cash will roll in thanks to FPS-happy gamers such as myself.:)

PS Might want to move it to OT. The stock stuff isn't really fit for GH


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2000
i hear they are having bad yields of NV30 and changing to another fab plant. But this means that they are producing silicone already for nv30, which means it should come out by fall.