It's Nvidia turn now.
According to Huang, they maintained/increase their market share, so assuming the most of the revenue shortfall comes from inventory write-off, they will be back on track next Q.
Some other notes from CC:
Downturn is worse then expected, AMD/INTC affected as well (heard this before)
OEM's want cheap crap (basically, TNT Vanta and M200), as the result, they sold more of these in this Q then the last. That affects the ASP's, obviously.
As I mentioned above, they maintained standalone desktop market share, and increased mobile (not at the expense of ATI).
One time write-off due to way too many NForce chipsets/Xbox chips build.
Including the write-off charge, results will be at or above break-even.
NV30 is in the process of being taped out. Which means mid-late November as a best case scenario (90 days for 2-3 rev), and late December/early January as more realistic estimate. CEO said Christmas season, but who knows. One thing for sure - don't plan on getting on these next month, it ain't gonna happen.
According to Huang, they maintained/increase their market share, so assuming the most of the revenue shortfall comes from inventory write-off, they will be back on track next Q.
Some other notes from CC:
Downturn is worse then expected, AMD/INTC affected as well (heard this before)
OEM's want cheap crap (basically, TNT Vanta and M200), as the result, they sold more of these in this Q then the last. That affects the ASP's, obviously.
As I mentioned above, they maintained standalone desktop market share, and increased mobile (not at the expense of ATI).
One time write-off due to way too many NForce chipsets/Xbox chips build.
Including the write-off charge, results will be at or above break-even.
NV30 is in the process of being taped out. Which means mid-late November as a best case scenario (90 days for 2-3 rev), and late December/early January as more realistic estimate. CEO said Christmas season, but who knows. One thing for sure - don't plan on getting on these next month, it ain't gonna happen.