I check the prices on video cards over at www.pricewatch.com almost everyday. I'm anticipating a big price drop soon. However today I noticed they actually put a link up for the GeforceFX. So I clicked it. I found they had FX 5200's for $100.00 with shipping up the ying yang. I decided to go do some research on the 5200.
What I found was, the 5200 is a steaming pile of dogshit. Omfg, how could nvidia even make something that lame? That's so sad, I mean seriously. I read that they could only overclock it 13mhz more from where it's at stock. AND when they did so, they got artifacts, while the card was stable..
Don't really know why I felt like telling you all this. Spose I'm curious to know if anyone has a different opinion on the 5200.. Because I'm just shocked at how much it sucks..
What I found was, the 5200 is a steaming pile of dogshit. Omfg, how could nvidia even make something that lame? That's so sad, I mean seriously. I read that they could only overclock it 13mhz more from where it's at stock. AND when they did so, they got artifacts, while the card was stable..
Don't really know why I felt like telling you all this. Spose I'm curious to know if anyone has a different opinion on the 5200.. Because I'm just shocked at how much it sucks..