NRA suggesting teahcers be equipped with guns...???


Nov 14, 2004

In my opinion this is obscene. While we would like to prevent school shootings and violence in general, bringing guns into the classroom is a ludicrous suggestion. If someone who owns a gun decides to go on a killing rampage and have suicidal intentions, they are going to shed blood regardless. In the case of the most recent school shooting, if guns had been properly stored by their owners then this teenager wouldn't have been able to shoot up his school in the first place.

P.S. I am intentionally not copying the article, both to conserve space and make it so that only people who have a genuine interest in taking time to read about and discuss this topic, participate. I would also like to take this time to say that I am not a "anti-gun hippy", as I have been called by many a moron, but I am certainly no fan of the NRA and moronic policies. (even when it is nearly impossible to own a gun and find a place to shoot without being a member)


Mar 25, 2001
Geeze louise I am not for gun control by any means, but this is absurd. It will never be allowed, but why would someone think this is a good idea?


Jan 10, 2002
I think it would be a lot better policy to start spanking parents who raise spolied and selfish children


Sep 15, 2002
No one should even own a gun...

Espically High School Teachers, that enviorment is full of idiots and highly stressed indiviuals already.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
There was a thread very recently where a Teacher in Training was arguing for this very Right. It's the stupidest thing I've heard as a potential "solution". It is not only absurd, but would probably lead to even more School Shootings. Hell, there'd probably be an increase of Teachers going on rampages.


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
I think that the entire so called civilized world has gotten slightly (that's an understatement) out of hand.
Jesus is coming and is he pissed!! Copyright Stephen King.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Tabb
No one should even own a gun...

Espically High School Teachers, that enviorment is full of idiots and highly stressed indiviuals already.

All of the really significient gun grabbers that I have known personally think that because they usually have 3 to 6 armed guys on their security detail. That would include Maddie Halfbright, Gore, Clinton, etc. They have good reason to feel that they don't need a gun, but would not let you disarm the body guards. They see life as avoiding responsibility and while they would never shoot anyone (lawyer fees would kill them), they have no problem with one of the security detail shooting someone in thier name. They are substantially smarter than you!



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Nearly every adult should be packing.

Drugs should be legal.

We would have a lot less problems related to the two. Period.

Damn Dave, you are making me doubt my personal identity. Second time in a week!


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
It seems to me that todays teachers are almost as screwed up as some of the students (all these teachers screwing their students) The last thing we need is letting some of these idiots pack while teaching


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
It seems to me that todays teachers are almost as screwed up as some of the students (all these teachers screwing their students) The last thing we need is letting some of these idiots pack while teaching

Well I did say "nearly" every adult.

Basic Firearms Saftey Course would have to be passed.

I doubt that the women going after the students half their age would pass the course.



Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
It seems to me that todays teachers are almost as screwed up as some of the students (all these teachers screwing their students) The last thing we need is letting some of these idiots pack while teaching

coming from a family of educators, id have to agree...
did anyone else have that one teacher who was nice about 99% of the time, let you get away with anything but then would seriously flip the f out once every couple months because someone threw a pair of saftey scissors across the room? there was always one teacher who was your buddy until he just hulked out and raged on the room. no guns, please.
besides which, if the premise is that we dont want students to have guns, one would think that removing the crucial and difficult step of a child aquiring a weapon would not be the way to go. somehow, saturating the building with guns doesnt seem to be the best path to preventing school shootings.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Nearly every adult should be packing.

Drugs should be legal.

We would have a lot less problems related to the two. Period.

Holy shit, I agree with you!


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Best idea ever but the wimps and near sighted in American life refuse to let people protect their children from assorted scumbags and recidivistic punks who abduct children weekly and shoot up school houses. These scum would'nt get very far with armed and trained teachers (voluntary carriers of course)... When's the last police station that was shot up? Why you think that is?

I don't understand this aversion of gun ownership and carrying is so pervasive with this generation. I guess cause I was raised around them, thought they were a tool just like any other, and should be used in appropirate manner. But they are not to be shunned at all. They are the "great equalizer" moving us from a time where the weakest and smallest were at the mercy of the biggest and strongest and most violent. W/O the "equalizer" we will become like Britian is becoming, a nation a sitting ducks, where the crimminal knows he can violate you and your family with impunity. That will be a sad state in America. Like it is now in American schools. Gunman can waltz though, take his time, go class to class, intimdating and executing his victims, and LOTS of em', until the cops show up (usually 5-30 min) instead of the seconds it would take for that gym teach to drop his arse.

I really believe every true liberal should love guns and champion thier ownership. They talk about "empowerment" a lot.. well a gun certainly does that for ya. You are "empowered" not to be a victim....You are "empowered" with the right to self-defense. A fundamental right/god given right if you ask me.

Besides this is another wedge issue you are loosing at the ballot box because of. I will never vote for a anti-consitutuional gun-grabber who want's to take away my fundemenatal right to self-defense...many left leaners like me are the same. We know the dems are pandering to the scardy cats just like repubs do with thier terror bullsh1t alerts to get votes.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
but I am certainly no fan of the NRA and moronic policies. (even when it is nearly impossible to own a gun and find a place to shoot without being a member)
What are you talking about? I know MANY gun owners that aren't NRA members and I don't think I've ever seen a range that excludes non-NRA members.

I don't see a problem with this. It's not like the teacher will keep his gun on the desk where everyone can see it. If they're carrying concealed, the students won't even know.

The problem is, someone bent on shooting up a school is still going to damage, and the thought of dying obviously doesn't bother them


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
By this "self-defense" theory, everyone - teachers, janitors, students, administrators - should be packing. Every school-yard wimp should pack a loaded 9mm. Let's see a school-yard bully start acting up in this environment.

I'm sure the students would feel a lot safer.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Children are a special case and you know it...both psychologically and reason capability. Same reason they can't get married or enter into contracts.

But ya I agree with the rest of your statement long as they are law abiding citizens. Armed society is a polite and safe one.


Jul 1, 2004
I think if we allowed the schools to sue the parents of some of these kids, instead of the other way around, we'd be better off. Within the past week, 2 kids have brought guns to school here in Memphis, yesterday it was an 11th grader, luckily no one was hurt.

As our kids go through metal detectors, get searched randomly here and there, they no longer feel like they are in a school, but a prison. And they will act accordingly. It sucks for the good parents of the good kids to have to put up with this crap.

As our politicians rally for getting kids killed in Iraq and for Ned and Jed having the right to marry, our schools, our future, is going down the toilet.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I think that this is actually a good idea. I don?t mean to arm ever single teacher, but just select a few with an appropriate background (police, military, existing CC permit, etc). Of course any such program should be strictly voluntary.

They would certainly be able to stop an attacker faster than the police ever could since they are already at the scene. As long as the weapon was kept in a secure box, like those hand activated gun vaults, I really don?t see a problem.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
kids....get searched randomly here and there

I don't even see how that's legal 4th amendment and all. Like that means anything anymore.:(

BTW- You mention prison. When I went to enroll my son in elementry the public schools literally were all the same. One entrance to the whole school, no windows on the class rooms which were housed inside massive square pisonesque building, literally they looked like prisons... very different than when I went to school. We had 20ft ceilings windows top to bottom. Door for each class exited to outside. No fence even around school yard and recess area. Dodgeball ball still played too along with real steal merry-go-rounds and 15ft swings..not this romper room safty crap they have nowadays which is no fun:D Guess we lived a charmed life back then in 70's.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2004
Just a dumb idea.

Though they are tragic, school shootings are few and far between.


Golden Member
Mar 28, 2005
Probably the amendment stating that everybody has the right to own and bear arms should either be modified or scrapped if possible, but then yeah, it's not that simple, with the strength of the NRA Lobby.

Otherwise, instead of crumbling caused by external attacks as what happen to the Roman Empire, the US might just simply implode.