novice in need of help...


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
Hey, I'm in need of some help on a few questions I have, so I thought i come here...

- first off, is it worth getting WinXP? I'm hearing stuff about the OS having a lot of i better off sticking with WinME for now?
- second, I considering getting an ATI Radeon card (either 7500 or 8500), I saw somewhere the card had a lot of issues with opening some programs on WinXP (I believe it said the program crashed or something), I was wondering if some of you can give me your experience with the cards on XP and ME
- lastly, is there any way in hell that I can get Mac OSX on my PC? I love the OSX, its sleek and easier to use, but Apple's are so damn expensive up here in Canada and I'm so damn cheap :)

hope you can help me out...


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
1 - Yes, getting WinXP is worth it. It is vastly superior to WinME.
2 - I have a Radeon 7500, but I don't have it my XP box (a laptop)
3 - No.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Welcome to the forums, eh ;)

Just to re-enforce what CrazySaint said, WinXP is a very nice OS. WinME is friggen' horrible in my opinion; worse than Win98. If you have the money, go for XP... it's great.

I'm sure there are plenty of people using Radeon's under XP. I would advise you to stringly consider the 8500 over the 7500, though... not much more expensive, and plenty more performance.
Aug 16, 2001
I'll jump onthe XP bandwagon as well as say that the 8500 is a better choice than the 7500. I've not encountered an problems with my radeon in winXP, though i'd reccomend using drivers prior to the catylist drivers. Also you could try skinning windows to get a Mac OSX feel, checkout its a good place to start.