Noob to pc gaming, where do I buy Minecraft?


Senior member
Mar 17, 2013
I don't mean to be bitter, but you have 14,000 posts and you can't Google "minecraft" :p

Just joking of course, and I appreciate that you're being a great father purchasing a game for your son.

Here sir:

It's like $20 or so, and it never gets on sale anywhere. Hope your son enjoys!!! :)


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
the designer still anti Windows 8? Stupid if so. anything's better then the s****** version on android!


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I guess you can buy it on the Xbox store, so technically the guy above was wrong, but since this is the PC gaming forum, he is right.

Two years ago I bought every $60 game in sight, and have been doing so since 286 days. $24 for Minecraft, which is a shitty game, but a great sandbox, is money well spent.

Good luck if you find a http://FreeIpadwithMinecraftPurchase.scam site; I'd pay the measly $24 and just buy it off the official site.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I guess you can buy it on the Xbox store, so technically the guy above was wrong, but since this is the PC gaming forum, he is right.

For the record, the title also says "pc gaming," which would indicate a PC purchase, making the Xbox version off-topic and not for consideration as a purchase option.


Jun 3, 2011
minecraft has come to an end as a development project and its not really quite as exciting as it was when it first came out, full of promises, four years ago.

i started playing minecraft since infdev, approximately june 15 2010 release, back when it was a survival game. then it got made easier, and was further never developed properly, so it never really made anything of itself.

(yeah i know there's millions of videos of people building giant castles out of wool blocks and whatnot, but thats about as much of a game as a chalkboard is)


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
That makes zero sense, people don't care if games are old, they play them because they are interested in them. Its not really old if he is just getting into it is it..


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
minecraft has come to an end as a development project and its not really quite as exciting as it was when it first came out, full of promises, four years ago.

i started playing minecraft since infdev, approximately june 15 2010 release, back when it was a survival game. then it got made easier, and was further never developed properly, so it never really made anything of itself.

(yeah i know there's millions of videos of people building giant castles out of wool blocks and whatnot, but thats about as much of a game as a chalkboard is)



Jun 3, 2011
back in 2010 i randomly watched a video by paulo soares jr, called "surviving the first night", and i got hooked on minecraft.

my first thought were "omg, i will hate having to remember how to craft all the items", but when i launched the game my thought was "OMFGZBBQ, i am am *actually* on a desert island!!"

the reason why minecraft was so incredibly awesome was that for the first time ever, there was a game where nothing was an actual boundary - there was no background art that you would bump in if you tried to walk too close to it. It achieved what we thought only photorealism could, with blocky pixel art.
in addition, you truly had maximum freedom. there was no pathway for you to follow, and the sole thing pressing you on was your survival.

and this is also where the problem is.

when you venture into minecraft for the first time, you first think"ooh, amazing",and you walk around a bit. You see a flower, you punch the flower. you get the flower. now you can plant the flower!

"ooh" you think, "i can rearrange stuff" just before a zombie eats your face.

you respawn a couple times, but, since it's now night, you die constantly and repeatedly to zombies, spiders and creepers.

next game: you spawn, and you start to walk around. the day starts to get darker, and you realize zombies will eat you face soon; then, AN IDEA!

"im going to get STUFF and re-arrange it so that zambies won't eatz my faec!"

and so you start building all these awkward, pictoresque and magnificently inefficient defence buildings so you can stay alive through the night.

yes, you build *many* buildings, because once you retreat in your little hold/castle/hut, and you keep the zombies at bay, and you smelt your iron and build your arrows, you start to get bored of having to spend the night locked in, you peek out and you notice a patch of coal you want to harvest, and you say to yourself:

"i will only step out for a few seconds"
"the coal is close, and i will make it back"
"there are no skeletons near me, i can easily run"

which, if any of you has played minecraft (the real deal) you'll know, is a recipe for disaster.

so you would find a skeleton has spawned between you and your hideyhole, and you try to go around him, into areas with no torches, and you get lost, become surrounded, fall into some weird cave, think you have found the way back and get even more lost, then break down and accept your house is gone forever and you dig yourself into a pit, and lock yourself in.

then you start building a small new house, which takes you all the time until next morning, and you discover that your real house was just over that hill, a few yards away.

so obviously think "oh well, i will make a tunnel to connect these two"

and this is how you would wind up with enormous world all full of weird constructions and defence fortifications and traps and bridges and tunnels and stuff.

now, i know this is far from factual; it is MY experience with minecraft. and experience i loved, because no other game has ever just made me WANT to do stuff, without a specific need for it.

but then you become jaded. you start building more efficient defences, and your houses start to have less and less non-functional components, you build things which you need where you need them regardless of how ugly they look, and you slowly start to lose the excitement of being able to build anything.

unfortunately, the development of minecraft made this even worse.

first off, beds were added: you no longer had to play during the survival section, which removed a great deal of the drive to play.
crouching was added meaning you would never again fall into a blob of lava(about 99% of player death).
sprinting was added meaning you could just run away from whatever trouble you put yourself in.
food was changed to become stackable, meaning you no longer had to juggle the risk between inventory space and survival ability.
magic made you even more powerful (and the game a lot sillier)
world generation was changed (so many times) removing many of the fantastic vistas you would get in minecraft.

in short, the best ever survival game was made so that the easist thing there was to do, was survive. surviving in minecraft became so trivial, that there was no challenge to it whatsoever.

mob AI was never made any better. game advancement was never implemented (there was much talk about mobs which will eventually - meaning "some days after spawn, thus implying increasing difficulty - come and dig out your house, forcing you to build better defences), and after a while the only "improvements" that got added were purely aesthetic.

it was sad seeing the game getting gimped at every turn. fire being made almost harmless. zombies no longer falling on your head from above. coal being changed from the single most important item in the game to something trivial (as you can just make charcoal from trees, an infinitely renewable substance which requires you to do zero exploration at all). the famous minecart physics bug was fixed meaning no more rollercoasters. monsters no longer suddenly spawning in dark areas if you are close. fall damage was made smaller. player reach was made longer. and so on and so on.

ofc you could always play infdev and pretend there's an update around the corner.
either that, or IndustrialCraft2. or TerraFirmaCraft.
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Feb 15, 2006
You can also get it at places like Target. By the sales registers, they sell cards (like iTunes cards) for the Minecraft game. It's the same price as the website, but if your son has any Target gift cards it can lower the price.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
If he likes Minecraft, you might want to try another game in a similar vein, Terraria.(That one often goes on sale, and can be had for a few $)


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009

Mods for you

Terrafirmacraft or Better Than Wolves

Or feed the beast? It basically fills all the voids based on your gameplay choice, and is easy to download/install use.

Oh and Paul Soars makes crrrazzzzzyyy money off youtube now, CRAZZZYYY money, just like etho and all the other original lets play minecraft dudes....we all missed that boat....

should have recorded your mindcraft sessions back then dig, you would be rich now although 2010 was kinda late to the party.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
Or feed the beast? It basically fills all the voids based on your gameplay choice, and is easy to download/install use.

Oh and Paul Soars makes crrrazzzzzyyy money off youtube now, CRAZZZYYY money, just like etho and all the other original lets play minecraft dudes....we all missed that boat....

should have recorded your mindcraft sessions back then dig, you would be rich now although 2010 was kinda late to the party.
Except maybe Blood n Bones and Magic Farm the rest of the FTB modpacks aren't hard or difficult.
Mar 10, 2005
minecraft has come to an end as a development project and its not really quite as exciting as it was when it first came out, full of promises, four years ago.

i started playing minecraft since infdev, approximately june 15 2010 release, back when it was a survival game. then it got made easier, and was further never developed properly, so it never really made anything of itself.

(yeah i know there's millions of videos of people building giant castles out of wool blocks and whatnot, but thats about as much of a game as a chalkboard is)

well, i completely disagree with you. minecraft is in perpetual development with bugfixes, balancing and new features being added almost constantly. sounds like you've never even played a multiplayer game.

unfortunately, the development of minecraft made this even worse.

first off, beds were added: you no longer had to play during the survival section, which removed a great deal of the drive to play.
feel free to play in hardcore permadeath mode. me, i like resetting my spawn location to the last bed i slept in.

crouching was added meaning you would never again fall into a blob of lava(about 99% of player death).
yeah, never happens. sure.

sprinting was added meaning you could just run away from whatever trouble you put yourself in.
oh no, the ability to move a bit faster than normal for a short time if you aren't starving! screw this game!

food was changed to become stackable, meaning you no longer had to juggle the risk between inventory space and survival ability.
a total of 36 inventory slots, 9 of which are the hotbar. you can easily find yourself overflowing.

magic made you even more powerful (and the game a lot sillier)
the only magic is item enchanting, exchanging xp for item upgrades. they aren't so powerful as to make you invulnerable. mobs can also sport upgraded gear.

world generation was changed (so many times) removing many of the fantastic vistas you would get in minecraft.


in short, the best ever survival game was made so that the easist thing there was to do, was survive. surviving in minecraft became so trivial, that there was no challenge to it whatsoever.

mob AI was never made any better (wrong). game advancement was never implemented (there was much talk about mobs which will eventually - meaning "some days after spawn, thus implying increasing difficulty - come and dig out your house, forcing you to build better defences), and after a while the only "improvements" that got added were purely aesthetic (no idea what you're on about there).

it was sad seeing the game getting gimped at every turn. fire being made almost harmless (wrong). zombies no longer falling on your head from above (wrong). coal being changed from the single most important item in the game to something trivial (as you can just make charcoal from trees, an infinitely renewable substance which requires you to do zero exploration at all)(you can explore and mine as much or as little as you like). the famous minecart physics bug was fixed meaning no more rollercoasters (wrong). monsters no longer suddenly spawning in dark areas if you are close (wrong). fall damage was made smaller (wrong). player reach was made longer (i can find no evidence of that). and so on and so on.

ofc you could always play infdev and pretend there's an update around the corner.
either that, or IndustrialCraft2. or TerraFirmaCraft.

not only are you totally out of touch with what you're talking about, i have to wonder if you even fully grasped the alpha version you played. and if it's challenge you're looking for, you certainly won't find it with any mods.
Mar 10, 2005
It is for my son actually, where is the cheapest place to buy it?

there's only 1 legit place to buy minecraft:

the designer still anti Windows 8? Stupid if so. anything's better then the s****** version on android!

minecraft works fine on any version of windows, from xp to the latest. all that's needed is the latest 32-bit java.

the "computer edition" is the real deal, and runs equally well on windows, mac and linux. abridged versions are available for xbox 360, xbone, ps3, ps4, raspberry pi, andriod, ios and fire tv, although i'm a pc gamer and would never touch any of that rubbish.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2013
there's only 1 legit place to buy minecraft:

minecraft works fine on any version of windows, from xp to the latest. all that's needed is the latest 32-bit java.

the "computer edition" is the real deal, and runs equally well on windows, mac and linux. abridged versions are available for xbox 360, xbone, ps3, ps4, raspberry pi, andriod, ios and fire tv, although i'm a pc gamer and would never touch any of that rubbish.

Techically, and I hate to be a troll, but you can buy a Minecraft card from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. and input the code to the minecraft website. Just felt like trolling today :p

It's still fact though, just saying. :cool: