Non-native res gaming on 27" iMac? Best iMac for games?


Jul 6, 2010
So basically I need a desktop, can't be fucked with a hackintosh, don't want windows, don't have any existing screen/mouse/kb etc and all the iMacs are powerful enough for my non-gaming needs with the i5's and RAM you can add..

It seems obvious that the 27" is the best gaming choice, as Anand concluded you can run most of todays games at native res. When you're looking at a future of gaming on 27" at non-native, how is that? If i go non-native on my MBP the display looks blurry etc..

What about the 21.5" ? With "resolution-adjusted-performance" do they crank out similar FPS in games?

I only play Blizzard's games. I'm fine with either iMac, I just want the one that'll last best for gaming out of em..


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
The 27" iMac hands down is the right choice assuming your budget allows.

The 27" version gives you access to a far better graphics chip and you can always scale back the resolution if needed, but for now that shouldn't be necessary. On top of that, the 27" iMac displays are amazing. They are the same display used in the $1000 Cinema Display.