Yesterday I looked down at my USB hub and noticed that none of the LED's were on. This seemed not good to me. But, then I realized that none of my USB devices on the hub were working (scanner, PDA, digital camera).
I tried removing the hubs and letting windows reinstall them. That went OK. But, still no devices. I schecked all the cables. No loosey goosey's.
The only thing I can think of is that right before I noticed this, I tried plugging the camera into the one of the front ports (hub is in the back) while my computer was on. But, the camera was off. Could this have fried my USB ports? Device manager reports them as working properly.
Any suggestions on how I can narrow down the problem?
I tried removing the hubs and letting windows reinstall them. That went OK. But, still no devices. I schecked all the cables. No loosey goosey's.
The only thing I can think of is that right before I noticed this, I tried plugging the camera into the one of the front ports (hub is in the back) while my computer was on. But, the camera was off. Could this have fried my USB ports? Device manager reports them as working properly.
Any suggestions on how I can narrow down the problem?