?By the way, what zones are you usually in? So when I'm bored, I can come taunt you. Is your char named kissnup??
As a level 20, weak, defenseless priest, do you honestly think I will tell you where I am?
No such luck, I?m staying away from you! Sure, you can use the name kissnup, in fact you can call me whatever name makes you happy.
You did kill me during that raid in Stormwind. The Alliance was wondering if the Horde?s were on the otherside of the instance. I told them I would cross the instance and if I didn?t come back alive, that would indicate you were there. My plan was to sacrifice myself and leave the higher levels for battle. Obviously, that didn?t work. You won.
I wonder why my log shows I hit you. I didn?t hit anyone. It would have been foolish for me to hit a group of higher level Hordes. Although I must say, I was very tempted. I would have preferred to have gone down fighting. Oh well?there?s always another time.
?I :heart: sargeras. I haven't been able to NOT log on yet. I'm a 28 undead priest - Bodicea. Who on ATOT is alliance so I can kill you.?
I ?ll never tell.
?Your forum name is very appropriate, Mr. Brown Nose.?
Thanks. Being called ?Mr. Brown Nose? is more appropriate than you can imagine especially at this time when the Horde is looking to kick my butt .