I see that you are new here. So let me tell you a little about
yodayoda. I am usally in the hot deals forum so I can only speak for what I have seen there. When he posts a hot deal he has taken the time to make sure they are well written. He also returns to update them and to answer questions about the deal. I have personally sent over 15 members to him that had asked me about RAID (which I know nothing about.) He gladly helped them all via PM. Do a search under his name for body or title. That way I think you will get to know what type of member he is.
darkcity I feel that you could have PMed yodayoda to question him about it. Rather than playing hall monitor. It would have been differant if it was a offensive post against someone. Get what I am trying to say here ? Kinda like raising your hand " Teacher , teacher I saw Mary pass Gillian a note." or " Hey teach, when we were out in the school yard Jimmy was showing off a gun. "
BTW this is NOT your first time doing so. Your post in
"How to get banned" ?
Tuesday, June 12, 2001 11:10 AM
Since this is about banning... How are these responses any different from IBT L?
Golden Member
Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:51 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:48 AM
rules are rules, gooooooddddddd bbbyyyeeee
Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:39 AM
You are not going to make to many friends here doing this.
My .02