Ok, I'm on a LAN in my apartment complex and my landlord is pretty lame. Basically, no one can connect to any TCP port that I open. I have tried most common ports (80, 21, 23, 113, 1080, etc etc) with no luck, as well as strange ports like 5625 or something and nothing/no one can connect to me. This is kinda cool for security reasons but its sucks for obvious reasons. What I would at least like to do is get on IRC (efnet specifically), but I don't think any efnet servers allow you to connect without identd running (which it is, just the server can't connect to me through port 113 because of the stupid network restrictions). Anyone know of anything I can do other than buy a shell and setup an irc bounce? I would like to not have to spend any money to get around this. Any suggestions appreciated...