N NikPreviousAcct No Lifer Aug 15, 2000 52,763 1 0 Sep 15, 2001 #2 I'd rather be civil and not come across as an ill-tempered 12yr old. oh wait... I'm screwed anyway
K konichiwa Lifer Oct 9, 1999 15,077 2 0 Sep 15, 2001 #4 How about I do something a tad more productive like give blood, donate money or help clear rubble and look for bodies and survivors?
How about I do something a tad more productive like give blood, donate money or help clear rubble and look for bodies and survivors?
Azraele Elite Member Nov 5, 2000 16,524 29 91 Sep 15, 2001 #5 I agree with the others. It's immature, unproductive, and all that sig does is spread hate.