Kadarin Lifer Nov 23, 2001 44,296 16 81 May 4, 2002 #4 You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on...
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #6 << You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you?
<< You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you?
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #7 But, alas, now, I am actually signing off. Bye!
hzl eyed grl Super Moderator<br>Elite Member Dec 28, 1999 13,106 64 91 May 4, 2002 #9 << But, alas, now, I am actually signing off. Bye! >> Ha! Yeah right!! Heehee Nite.
hzl eyed grl Super Moderator<br>Elite Member Dec 28, 1999 13,106 64 91 May 4, 2002 #11 << Hey Zak, you glow while you sleep! >> Maybe it's just his radiant personality? EDIT: Spelling
Kadarin Lifer Nov 23, 2001 44,296 16 81 May 4, 2002 #12 << << You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you? >> Hehe.. ok Baffled2^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HZakath15...
<< << You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you? >> Hehe.. ok Baffled2^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HZakath15...
AreaCode707 Lifer Sep 21, 2001 18,445 131 106 May 4, 2002 #13 It just keeps glowing and glowing and glowing....
J joohang Lifer Oct 22, 2000 12,340 1 0 May 4, 2002 #14 << << You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you? >> True dat.
<< << You're not sleeping yet, your lightbulb's still on... >> You do realize that it's obligatory to lurk for at least two hours before actually going to bed, don't you? >> True dat.
J joohang Lifer Oct 22, 2000 12,340 1 0 May 4, 2002 #15 Anybody remember that thread on Mday's online status?
J Jerboy Banned Oct 27, 2001 5,190 0 0 May 4, 2002 #16 << It just keeps glowing and glowing and glowing.... >> Turn the light off when you go to bed
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #17 << It just keeps glowing and glowing and glowing.... >> Y'know trying to get away from this place reminds me of that SNL skit where Mike Myers is harnessed to the jungle gym...
<< It just keeps glowing and glowing and glowing.... >> Y'know trying to get away from this place reminds me of that SNL skit where Mike Myers is harnessed to the jungle gym...
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #19 << You nef! <-- look who's talking >> So, so true.
J joohang Lifer Oct 22, 2000 12,340 1 0 May 4, 2002 #20 << << You nef! <-- look who's talking >> So, so true. >> What you say !! >> You have no right to speak make your time. HAHAHAHA!!
<< << You nef! <-- look who's talking >> So, so true. >> What you say !! >> You have no right to speak make your time. HAHAHAHA!!
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #21 << << << You nef! <-- look who's talking >> So, so true. >> What you say !! >> You have no right to speak make your time. HAHAHAHA!! >> All your base are belong to us.
<< << << You nef! <-- look who's talking >> So, so true. >> What you say !! >> You have no right to speak make your time. HAHAHAHA!! >> All your base are belong to us.
J joohang Lifer Oct 22, 2000 12,340 1 0 May 4, 2002 #23 << REALLY going to bed this time. 'Night! >> I don't believe you.
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 May 4, 2002 #24 << << REALLY going to bed this time. 'Night! >> I don't believe you. >> Dangit, called me on it.