I just built this old "new" PC. My first.
Iwill Slocket converter
Asus P3V4X
Anyway. The Linksys NIC, it took me a few tries and my first illegal op(so far on this PC) to install the driver. I followed directions in the manual. Although the entry doesnt look right. Under network adapters it says,"%Ine100v5.DeviceDesc%". When the model name is, and even shows in the manual thats its suppose to say,"Linksys LNE100TX(v5)Fast Ethernet Adapter". But it seems to work. I've borrowed a freinds router,the Nexland ISB SOHO...hooked both PC's to it and the "new" PC downloads a little slower(well bout 40-60kb/s) ...I tested it at dslreports and it was a lil slower there too but not outrageous slow in my mind. I tried it once at the same time and a few times by theirselves with about the same results.
My prob now is installin the non-5.1 X-Gamer. I've tried it in different pci slots but it still hard to hear, staticy, funny soundin, and when I turn the speakers up loud it makes aweful noise. I tried using the cd drivers it came with but when I tried to follow the manuals directions it wouldnt work. So I went to Creatives site and got the latest...said they were updates but they still installed. And they sound crappy
edit: NIC prob pretty much solved I reckon...atleast it says the "proper name" now. Still having probs with the X-Gamer. Ive tried it in 3, 4, 5, and 6 pci slots. Only cards I have in it are the TNT AGP, a PCI NIC, and the PCI X-Gamer. Would installing the other software that came with card help any?
Iwill Slocket converter
Asus P3V4X
Anyway. The Linksys NIC, it took me a few tries and my first illegal op(so far on this PC) to install the driver. I followed directions in the manual. Although the entry doesnt look right. Under network adapters it says,"%Ine100v5.DeviceDesc%". When the model name is, and even shows in the manual thats its suppose to say,"Linksys LNE100TX(v5)Fast Ethernet Adapter". But it seems to work. I've borrowed a freinds router,the Nexland ISB SOHO...hooked both PC's to it and the "new" PC downloads a little slower(well bout 40-60kb/s) ...I tested it at dslreports and it was a lil slower there too but not outrageous slow in my mind. I tried it once at the same time and a few times by theirselves with about the same results.
My prob now is installin the non-5.1 X-Gamer. I've tried it in different pci slots but it still hard to hear, staticy, funny soundin, and when I turn the speakers up loud it makes aweful noise. I tried using the cd drivers it came with but when I tried to follow the manuals directions it wouldnt work. So I went to Creatives site and got the latest...said they were updates but they still installed. And they sound crappy
edit: NIC prob pretty much solved I reckon...atleast it says the "proper name" now. Still having probs with the X-Gamer. Ive tried it in 3, 4, 5, and 6 pci slots. Only cards I have in it are the TNT AGP, a PCI NIC, and the PCI X-Gamer. Would installing the other software that came with card help any?