NIC and non 5.1 X-Gamer probs on Asus P3V4X


Mar 4, 2001
I just built this old "new" PC. My first.
Iwill Slocket converter
Asus P3V4X

Anyway. The Linksys NIC, it took me a few tries and my first illegal op(so far on this PC) to install the driver. I followed directions in the manual. Although the entry doesnt look right. Under network adapters it says,"%Ine100v5.DeviceDesc%". When the model name is, and even shows in the manual thats its suppose to say,"Linksys LNE100TX(v5)Fast Ethernet Adapter". But it seems to work. I've borrowed a freinds router,the Nexland ISB SOHO...hooked both PC's to it and the "new" PC downloads a little slower(well bout 40-60kb/s) ...I tested it at dslreports and it was a lil slower there too but not outrageous slow in my mind. I tried it once at the same time and a few times by theirselves with about the same results.

My prob now is installin the non-5.1 X-Gamer. I've tried it in different pci slots but it still hard to hear, staticy, funny soundin, and when I turn the speakers up loud it makes aweful noise. I tried using the cd drivers it came with but when I tried to follow the manuals directions it wouldnt work. So I went to Creatives site and got the latest...said they were updates but they still installed. And they sound crappy


edit: NIC prob pretty much solved I reckon...atleast it says the "proper name" now. Still having probs with the X-Gamer. Ive tried it in 3, 4, 5, and 6 pci slots. Only cards I have in it are the TNT AGP, a PCI NIC, and the PCI X-Gamer. Would installing the other software that came with card help any?


Mar 4, 2001
^ Still cant get the X-Gamer working decent :(

I've tried it in every PCI slot. I've read the Creative and Diamond(my Diamond Viper 550) dont like each other but their not sharing IRQ's anymore. And that Soundblasters are picky on this mobo. I cant figure it out.



Mar 4, 2001
wow problem solved. finally was able to install the cd drivers...the path they gave me in the manual was a lil wrong. then i updated from creative for the hell of it.

they sound gr8 especially with the fps2000's i just hppked up.

some1 else told me to go back to 5.xx drivers for the viper550.....I might seeing as I get low average around 20-30 fps in tribes 1 w/ openGL
