nf7-s v2 question

Aug 26, 2004
an nf7-s v2 will give a post beep code for a bad cpu right?

my computer hung, and i shut it won't come back up at all, and i get no beeps...i'm afraid i tightened my water block down too much and crushed my core...i'm about to pull it off and find out...just wanted to know if it would give an error for bad cpu

i'm thinking either the mobo or the cpu just sh1t on me :(

thx in advance

UPDATE: the comp hung on me twice in windows...the second time i reset with the case switch and it wouldnt come up at i unplugged it and let it sit for a few minutes and tried again...this time i came up but gave me a disk boot had recognized the drive correctly before though....after i restarted again, it detected the raptor as a 32mb drive and popped up with all kinds of weird characters on the screen and hung again...then i tried to boot from the cd-rom drive and it wouldnt do that wither, and hung...then i restarted again and it freaked out in bios and gave me a bunch of onboard lan was going in and out earlier as looks like this board has had it...

RIP NF7-S v2 :( ...time to go A64 :D
Aug 26, 2004
Originally posted by: fireontheway
Have you tried resetting the CMOS or unplugging the psu?


just reset the BIOS...and its back up again...i'm posting from it now...dunno how that happened...i didnt even play with any bios settings :confused:

EDIT: i was feeling the need for an A64, too ;)
Aug 26, 2004
76 i'm getting random high/low does it about every other restart...and sometimes it picks up my raptor correctly, sometimes it doesnt...then i get a disk boot failure....or it starts to load 2000 and hangs...argh

well...i'm a bit out of the loop so far as A64's go...whats the nf-7 and barton mobile of the 64 bit world?