NF4U AM2G Board with PCI Problems


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2000
Hey hey,

Got a system here thats having a problem installing/detecting any PCI devices.
think it may be a faulty motherboard,but checking here before i send back to newegg.

Every PCI device i try to install,will either not be detected,lock up while installing,or the system won't post untill the device is removed.
Onboard sound will not be detected,but the onboard LAN does,which does not work,or locks up once installed

as long as no PCI device is installed,the system is rock solid.runs tests/games very well.

Specs: NF4U AM2G AM2 Board v.n685 Chipset drivers
-Athlon XP X2 3800+ (15c temps - not overclocked)
-Geforce 7900gs KO PCI-e Newest nvidia drivers
-2g DDR2-800 OcZ
-400w Antec PSU - 24 pin Power plug - pci-e/sata power adapters built in
-HTT settings are all Auto in bios - nothing overclocked
-Winxp Pro SP2
-Ran 2 fresh Winxp installs with only chipset/video drivers installed,same problem

Just looking for any answers that may help before returning the board to Newegg.
the package was a bit rough when it arrived,so thinking the board is shot.
was an Open box deal at newegg.

Thanks for any help.



Senior member
May 8, 2007
It's very possible that the motherboard is bad; that's why people returned it and newegg put it up as an open box deal.