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Apr 25, 2000
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Vets will tell how captors shoved 1971 testimony 'in their faces'

Posted: August 24, 2004
5:57 p.m. Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2004

As controversy over John Kerry's Vietnam service holds center stage in the presidential campaign, a war veteran is about to release a television documentary with devastating testimony by former POWs of the demoralizing impact of the senators' war-crimes accusations more than 30 years ago.

The production is scheduled to air in two weeks on the heels of a television ad by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, which charges Kerry with betrayal for accusing them of war atrocities during his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.

A source involved in the production, who said its makers are not prepared yet to release their names, told WorldNetDaily its title will be "Stolen Honor."

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Post this is the stickied Swiftboat thread!