Next Starwars Trailer - March 10th on Fox TV!


Feb 24, 2002
''When Good Jedi Go Bad!'' On March 10, the latest two-and-a-half-minute tease for ''Attack of the Clones'' will hit screens -- but not the big silver kind. In a synergistic masterstroke, the Fox network (sister to ''Star Wars'' distributor Twentieth Century Fox) will air the trailer just before 9 p.m. EST between slightly abbreviated episodes of ''Malcolm in the Middle'' and ''The X-Files,'' making it the first ''Wars'' preview to debut on TV.


Just so you know, it is the same length as the Forbidden Love trailer, but the tone is very different. Want to know some of what you will see? Believe it or not, this will be your first chance to see Yoda in action. Not just walking and talking, a glimpse of him fighting. Finally you can be the judge of the work ILM has realized and the dream Lucas has brought to life.
Also look for clips of the big Jedi battle, the timing of the latest "Making of" was no accident. Everyone that has seen it loves it, many even calling it the 'best of the best.' This is the full trailer, and it will knock your socks off.