I wouldn't sweat it too hard. Drive technology has not quite hit a wall, but it certainly progressing far slower than it used to. I don't know for sure, but I'd have to think the raptor's have been successful, and at some point WD will update it, but I wouldn't count on it very soon if the pace of the rest of the HD industry is any indication. Also the lead times between announcement and arrival have gotten very long for hard drives. Any new raptor that comes out will probably double the current price anyway, like the 74 vs 36 initially. If you really want a little more speed or a bigger drive just get two and RAID them, although I think it's usually a waste for normal desktop stuff. Also don't forget the raptor has no competitors at all, the closest thing speed-wise would be a maxline 3 300gb drive which is clearly not intended for the same use, without anyone to compete with WD has no great incentive to hurry up with a new Raptor.