Newb Buying A Camera, Recommendations?


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
I'm in the market for a new digital camera ($300~$350). I've narrowed my choices down to two cameras (In topic summary and link below). The most important features to me (in no particular order) are: Stabilized Zoom, Photo Quality, View Finder, and Battery Life.

Before I commit to purchasing either one of these cameras I have two questions:

1) Can anybody recommend me any other camera with a large optical zoom?
2) Many of these cameras have optical stabilization. Is this stable enough to capture a clear photo at maximum zoom given a hand tremor or is optical stabilization meant for like tripod use>





Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
hand tremor?

image stabilization isn't needed in conjunction with a tripod. basically, image stabilization does the same thing a tripod does, only (much) less effectively (but more easily portable).

as for 'clear photo at maximum [telephoto],' the answer is that it depends. image stabilization is good for a couple of stops. according to dpreview, you should be able to hand hold at 1/160 of a second shutter speed for consistently sharp images, 1/80 of a second for mostly sharp images with some less sharp (but probably still suitable for 4x6), and then even 1/40 of a second you still have a chance at a sharp image (take lots of pictures). so, no, you won't be shooting at 504 mm in the dark and taking good pictures. but you could shoot in light right after sunset at ISO 100 and get some keepers.

anyway, after reading this quote at dpreview:
the FZ18 is fun to use, and it's responsive and reliable enough to allow you to snap away to your heart's content, experimenting with the huge zoom range. Where the SP-550UZ seemed hell-bent on annoying you into giving up photography forever, the FZ18 is another of those cameras that actually makes you want to go out and take pictures, just for the sake of it.
i think the FZ18 is the one to beat


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2004
Thanks for the response ElFenix. I think I'm going to head to the store and check 'em both out in person.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LASTGUY2GETPS2
Thanks for the response ElFenix. I think I'm going to head to the store and check 'em both out in person.

That's a good idea. Looking at both made me go with the Canon. If you can, turn them both on and get an idea of the lens width and the zoom.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
The S5 has a swivel LCD that is very useful for overhead quickies. The body is also nice and compact and is really "pocketable."

But - both are excellent products. Your own touch and feel will be the decider.