New system from pieces/parts?


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
Hope this is the correct forum for this question.

I need a new processor and mainboard to make a new system. Only need a decent machine: no gaming or other graphic intensive stuff and it doesn't need to be lightening fast - just better than the Pentium 200 that I'm currently using as a 2nd system and is slowing dying. Needs to be a Windows machine.

I've picked up the following on "almost free" deals over the last few months:
2 - 64mg sticks 133 RAM
Winmodem (PCI)
20G 7200 Hard drive

I have the following in the old machine:
Rage Pro Turbo (PCI)
Creative Sound Blaster AWE 64 (ISA)
Adaptec SCSI 1505 (ISA)
56x CDRom
10G 5400 hard drive
Floppy drive

The SCSI isn't a requirement in the new box as it's only running a ZIP drive and an old 2x CD writer. I can use the ones from my primary machine via the network instead.

My question: What's the best to get for an economical board and processor that will require replacing the fewest cards/parts? Guess I would also be needing a new case and fan for this hodge-podge. "Economical" being the key word here.

Would appreciate any ideas or help. Thanks!


Golden Member
Dec 2, 2000
Suggest a comfortable price and maximum price on your upgrade.

Sure, we could recommend a KM133-based board that has network, sound, and video all integrated for ~$100, and a cheap duron proc, but you would hate yourself for picking up a cheap integrated board later on down the line.

If you give us an idea of what you'd like to spend, we can balance price to performance/upgradability.


Feb 23, 2001
Go to pricewatch and get a 750 or 800 tbird with an FIC AZ11 OR a MSI KT7 pro 2. You don't need to pay the extra for the AZ11... E(ata100) or the KT PRO 2....A (ata100). Stable stuff that will last you for years and years since your not a gameboy.
If you happen to lose all your marbles and get into gaming or graphics a few cards will put you up to a respectable level.The rig will run you $200 or a little less.It has onboard sound. Any old video card will do you fine. has good cards for around $40 to 75 dollars that are really good for the money but all you "need" at this point is a 4 or 8Mb generic anything card $25-30.

Oops ! you already have sound and video...better yet.

For u a case is a case is a case...ATX and make sure and get a 300 watt power supply model....about $60 to $100...Antec, In Win, Enlight...most are decent cases.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
Thanks - staying under $200 for the board & processor is good. This will be my first attempt at putting together a machine so if I get totally messed up I won't have lost much. Does it make a difference purchasing these OEM or retail?