New ssd not showing in bios or windows


Senior member
Mar 9, 2011
I ordered an ocz agility 2 60gb drive to go into a ga ep45-ud3p MB. Regardless of settings the SSD is completely invisible to the bios, windows, OCZ toolbox, and windows XP / Vista install disks. I've tried the following:

Reset CMOS and load best defaults with all drives disconnected, then only connected the SSD on the intel ICH controller port 0. Swapped around to different ports and confirmed they were working with a sata HDD. 2 sets of cables and power connectors were used and also verified to be functioning with the HDD.

Configured ports in IDE, raid, and AHCI modes for both controllers to no effect. Fast boot is disabled. Flashed the MB BIOS from version F6 (what it came with) to F10 and finally F11D. Still no visibility. :mad:

At this point I'm ready to send it back to Newegg. I just thought I'd ask to see if I missed anything. TIA.