New Spiderman


Aug 18, 2012
Anyone interested in this game? Always been a fan of the Batman games and I'm curious if they took anything from Arkham city and Arkham Knight in terms of gameplay elements. Obviously you won't be driving any vehicles but hopefully side quests and gameplay will be just as fun.

I was never a big fan of other spiderman games as I always found the main character cheesy. I watched some gameplay previews and decided I'm going to get it Friday since I still have gcu at Best buy. It should hold me over until red dead 2 comes out.

Although I'm worried about how repetitive it will get.


Nov 11, 2004
I got it pre-ordered. Looks really good and even if it's combat is super similar to Batman Arkham games it should be good since Arkham combat was always fun. Also all the previews I've read say web slinging is really done well.


Dec 12, 2001
keeping an eye on it but still on the fence. Unless it's super good I'll wait until it's cheaper.


Aug 18, 2012
One thing I liked about the preview videos I've seen on YouTube are the boss fights. They look pretty cool.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
It looks like it will be a good game and get great reviews but it doesn't really look like my cup of tea. I'm also REALLY sick of hearing about it and seeing footage of it. They have marketed the hell out of this game and they have probably shown like 200 hours of gameplay of this game already.


Dec 12, 2001
It looks like it will be a good game and get great reviews but it doesn't really look like my cup of tea. I'm also REALLY sick of hearing about it and seeing footage of it. They have marketed the hell out of this game and they have probably shown like 200 hours of gameplay of this game already.

Cause Marvel lol

But you are right. I just wonder if the game itself will be fatiguing in that you just get bored of some of the mechanics. To give an example, I started playing Yakuza Zero and really liked it at first. So much awesome story, good fights, and lots of side stories (some of which are super funny but so typical of the game’s location and theme). After numerous hours I began to hate some of the mechanics especially the fighting which became very boring and repetitive. You are moving from location to location for a story and run across numerous guys who want to fight you. At first this was fun and broke up the fetch quests and such. After a while it got old and I just wanted to get where I was going to advance the story. The flaws and weaknesses of the battle system became more and more apparent too. It just wasn’t enjoyable to fight random tough guys in the game anymore. It became a chore. Especially when you could steamroll the random fights so easily. Just mash square and win in 3 hits. Stupid.

I hope Spider-Man doesn’t have that issue. From what I’ve seen I am not convinced it is immune from it. Even Batman games had this issue for me after a while.
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Aug 18, 2012
Cause Marvel lol

But you are right. I just wonder if the game itself will be fatiguing in that you just get bored of some of the mechanics. To give an example, I started playing Yakuza Zero and really liked it at first. So much awesome story, good fights, and lots of side stories (some of which are super funny but so typical of the game’s location and theme). After numerous hours I began to hate some of the mechanics especially the fighting which became very boring and repetitive. You are moving from location to location for a story and run across numerous guys who want to fight you. At first this was fun and broke up the fetch quests and such. After a while it got old and I just wanted to get where I was going to advance the story. The flaws and weaknesses of the battle system became more and more apparent too. It just wasn’t enjoyable to fight random tough guys in the game anymore. It became a chore. Especially when you could steamroll the random fights so easily. Just mash square and win in 3 hits. Stupid.

I hope Spider-Man doesn’t have that issue. From what I’ve seen I am not convinced it is immune from it. Even Batman games had this issue for me after a while.
I could see that happening. There are only so many games that keep my interest which is why I get so many of them and never end up finishing them. I'm trying to finish Arkham Knight now but at least you can avoid most of the fights in between missions and side quests.

With the web slinging around I don't think you would get forced to fight many opponents in spiderman. I guess what does it for me is really good story games but also good gameplay mechanics too. I could see how it can get old though.

I'm also forcing myself to finish Prey on PC. It's a great game but for me it's grueling and I can only play in little sections at a time. Lots of backtracking required and you can die so easily but what makes the game interesting is that there are so many ways to accomplish your objectives. It is kind of starting to get old for me now.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Cause Marvel lol

But you are right. I just wonder if the game itself will be fatiguing in that you just get bored of some of the mechanics. To give an example, I started playing Yakuza Zero and really liked it at first. So much awesome story, good fights, and lots of side stories (some of which are super funny but so typical of the game’s location and theme). After numerous hours I began to hate some of the mechanics especially the fighting which became very boring and repetitive. You are moving from location to location for a story and run across numerous guys who want to fight you. At first this was fun and broke up the fetch quests and such. After a while it got old and I just wanted to get where I was going to advance the story. The flaws and weaknesses of the battle system became more and more apparent too. It just wasn’t enjoyable to fight random tough guys in the game anymore. It became a chore. Especially when you could steamroll the random fights so easily. Just mash square and win in 3 hits. Stupid.

I hope Spider-Man doesn’t have that issue. From what I’ve seen I am not convinced it is immune from it. Even Batman games had this issue for me after a while.
I'm not going to try and give this thread a negative tone or anything, but I personally think Spiderman looks generic as hell. People are raving about the "free roam" abillity of how you can swing and fly around the city, but I personally think it looks lazy as hell from a development standpoint and just looks off. Like he puts his web out and the distance and speed he swings is completely farther and longer than the web was thrown. Maybe it's being nitpicky or what not, but it's just the very first thing I saw when they showed him free roaming and it took me completely out of it.

Oh and generally speaking, I don't like open world sand box games like GTA too, so there is that.


Dec 12, 2001
They are already putting out teasers for a Black Cat DLC for this game. Sigh...this might be one of those titles that is milked to death by DLC expansions too. I don't mind DLC but when you don't have the game launched yet and you start talking about DLC and adding new playable characters it just seems...premature I guess is the word I'm looking for. There was also a pretty sizeable downgrade in the visuals between what they showed at E3 and what they show now. Not unexpected but it's generating negative buzz.

Also when you have previews and first impressions from media outlets like Digital Trends and Ars Technica that read as follows, the game just starts sounding very average and derivative. Nobody said the game is bad but when you say stuff like "the combat is just like the Arkham games" or "the open world is as good as all the other open world games" It's not saying much about the uniqueness of the title. Plus they all say "it's the best spider man game ever made" which isn't saying a whole lot either as almost every spider-man game in history has been terrible.

While the story, traversal and combat in Spider-Man all impressed, its rendition of New York City fell flat.

Combat is fine. It is similar to the Arkham games, though the game's similarities end with that. Spider-Man certainly doesn't have the Metroidvania structure that inspired those titles. Instead, it borrows its formula from every open-world game you've ever played. That formula is popular for a reason, so if you're just looking for gameplay you already like with your favorite web-slinging superhero, you'll probably dig Spider-Man. Just don't expect it to test the boundaries of that formula.

We’re confident in saying that Insomniac's made the best ever Spider-Man game here. It may well subscribe to every open world trope under the web-spinning sun, but when the end-product is this polished and consistent then that’s not such a bad thing.
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Aug 18, 2012
I don't care much about dlc with any game. Never bought any and not about to start now. I'm also not expecting anything revolutionary with the open world aspect. If you've played Batman Arkham city and Arkham Knight it won't be much different it seems. When it comes to open world games of this genre they aren't really open like GTA 5.

As far as the downgrade in graphics I feel like that happens a lot. Wasn't it the same case with Witcher 3 when it came out? I think people were upset with footage that they saw at E3 compared to how the game looked upon release. It still turned out to be an excellent game but I'm in no way expecting spiderman to be a game comparable to the overall quality of wither 3.

Never played the previous spiderman games and this one will be my first and I can't say I've ever been a fan but it's something to hold me over until red dead 2. Worst case scenario I get bored like every other title and trade it back in to Best buy.

They did market the crap out of it and hyped it up way too much I think. I do think the gameplay will get stale, I mean spiderman doesn't have any cool gadgets or tech to use like Batman or for example like the character in watch watch dogs. So I'm expecting it to get old after a while. If I have time to play it Friday I'll see what I think then.


Dec 12, 2001
I don't care much about dlc with any game. Never bought any and not about to start now. I'm also not expecting anything revolutionary with the open world aspect. If you've played Batman Arkham city and Arkham Knight it won't be much different it seems. When it comes to open world games of this genre they aren't really open like GTA 5.

As far as the downgrade in graphics I feel like that happens a lot. Wasn't it the same case with Witcher 3 when it came out? I think people were upset with footage that they saw at E3 compared to how the game looked upon release. It still turned out to be an excellent game but I'm in no way expecting spiderman to be a game comparable to the overall quality of wither 3.

Never played the previous spiderman games and this one will be my first and I can't say I've ever been a fan but it's something to hold me over until red dead 2. Worst case scenario I get bored like every other title and trade it back in to Best buy.

They did market the crap out of it and hyped it up way too much I think. I do think the gameplay will get stale, I mean spiderman doesn't have any cool gadgets or tech to use like Batman or for example like the character in watch watch dogs. So I'm expecting it to get old after a while. If I have time to play it Friday I'll see what I think then.

If you read the impressions it’s not like Batman games at all outside of combat. Those games were built in a Metroidvania style where you acquire new items to access new areas. This one seems more like other open world games that artificially block your exploration until you reach a certain story portion. It’s different. Someone even mentioned the idea of copying assassin’s creed annoying fog of war that hides the map until you climb to the top of a certain spot and unlock it which I think would make me never want to play it as I hate that mechanic.

Also they do have different gadgets and suits to use in the game.


Dec 12, 2001
Looks like the reviews are in and generally favorable. The only sites that give it below 80/100 are sites I’ve never heard of and may be doing so for clicks and attention. The usual game sites like IGN, Gamespot, GameInformer etc all give it good reviews. It’s averaging 87 and that’s pretty good I think for a super hero game.

Looks like I’m gonna be buying it.


Aug 18, 2012
Oh I forgot the reviews were in today. I did get a YouTube notification from ACG that he had a review up. I usually like watching his buy, rent or wait for sale videos. I've gotten some of the games he reviewed and haven't been dissapointed. I already have it ordered at Best buy so I'll pick it up then.

Edit: Yup most of them seem good and looks like 30 hrs with main story and some side quests. He does mention repetitive misisons but he also says stuff happens later on in the game that changes how you play. I bet you it's the variety of the boss fights and abilities you can pick up later.

He also mentions it looks very good on PS4 , on par with God of war.
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aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I pre-ordered it after fighting with myself. Looks good, pretty much exactly what I expected and wanted. Open world is my jam, and the web-swinging mechanics sound well thought out enough to be engaging without making it too cumbersome. I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell out of it


Feb 3, 2005
I canceled my pre-order because I just have too much to play right now. Going through Bloodborne on my PS4, Hollow Knight on my Switch, and I'm getting back into raiding in WoW since it's the start of a new expansion, so all of my gaming time is full at the moment. Definitely looking forward to it, though. I'll probably pick it up on Black Friday.


Nov 27, 2001
I was contemplating it since the game looks fun, but due to Sony's recent remarks on cross-platform play, I think I should start speaking with my dollar on this one. In other words, I don't plan on supporting Sony until they stop being so obstinate.


Dec 12, 2001
Pre ordered digital deluxe edition today on PSN. I just hope I can balance this, destiny 2 forsaken and next week tomb raider. May have to put tomb raider on hold but then red dead redemption 2 comes and time for all of them lol.


Aug 18, 2012
I'm holding off on tomb raider since I want to play that on PC and I want to decide after the GPU benches come out if I'll get a new card. I actually got destiny 2 for free the other night and played a bit of it, mostly through the intro part. Decent but I remember from the original I was never very good at it.

Spiderman will hold me over until red dead 2, that game will probably be where I'll try and do a lot of the side stuff too.


Dec 12, 2001
Off topic: I’m definitely getting tomb raider on pc but not buying a $1200 card to play it lol. I’ll sit out until the next round of GPUs. I’m sure my 1080ti will be fine and from what I’m hearing RTX will tank performance severely.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'm pretty excited after seeing so many positive impressions. I wasn't going to pick up my pre-order until tomorrow but if I can sneak out of work early I might grab it today.


Aug 18, 2012
Also excited about this one. Will pick it up today during lunch but I probably won't get too it until later tonight. Curious to see what others think of it if I don't get a chance to play it. I've been watching most video analysis of it and I have to say it looks very good especially the environment. Should look just as nice as God of war on my TV.


Oct 18, 1999
Played about 30 mins this morning before going to work. Game is really nice! Controls are decent and the graphics look great. I am glad they didn't bother with a 30 minute origin video or anything. Game starts that spiderman is already an established person. Can't wait to go home and play after work!


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Played a bit, so far so good. The swing mechanic is really well done. The only thing I would want changed is to make the Spidey sense thing a little more obvious for the counter attack. It kind of blends in during fights now and I miss it. I don't remember having that problem in the Batman games that had the same mechanic.