Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Are there any promising new ones out or coming out soon?

I'd be especially interested in a grindless type, or at least one where grind is minimal and casual players can jump in and compete.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Those don't exist. Maybe guild wars 2 in 1.5-2 years?

If you want a "casual" PVPmmorpg, then play DOTA/HoN/LoL.

it has RPG aspects in leveling your character, but the time commitment is nowhere near as long. The slippery slope mechanics add to the steep learning curve, but once you've picked up the basics and intermediate skills, the commitment per game is nowhere near as bad as an mmo.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
If you want a "casual" PVPmmorpg, then play DOTA/HoN/LoL.

Those aren't MMOs. Massively multi-player generally refers to a massive number of characters existing in the same "world" (server) at the same time. That's why Diablo 2 is simply considered an RPG by most, not an MMORPG: only 8 players can play in a game at any given time.

Those games are also more about strategy than classic RPG elements. For example, if you can beat the enemy team at level 6, by all means you should, thus ending the game. In contrast, a MMORPG doesn't have a set ending objective, allowing you to level up and increase your stats / PvP rank / gear / reputation / etc. seemingly forever. Even Diablo 2 allowed you to continue "questing" (leveling and getting gear) after you beat the final boss multiple times. With DotA, when you kill their base, the game is over and you start back over from the beginning next game.

I'm not trying to bash your suggestions - I actually think they're well worth looking into for anyone that loves good PvP tactics in any game, but I do want to correct the terminology.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
For a non grinding pvp experience, the closest thing you'll find are fps games :p

One place you might could go look for an mmorpg is, hrm, what was the link, perhaps?

They had alot of mmo's listed, with short blurbs and user ratings. Last time I actually went to the page they had quite a few listed. Alot of them were free to play/micro transaction types (with alot of those being the grindy types) but perhaps there is something listed there you'll like.

I played one I found there for awhile, called Atlantica Online. I don't think it fits your requirements, but I enjoyed it while I played it.

It was free to play. Graphics reminded me a little of Guild Wars, so machine requirements weren't very high. Combat was actually turn based. You started off with 1 character, but recruited more over the course of your play. By level 50, you'd have a total party size of 9 (but you could have some characters in reserve too).

I think max level cap was 110, but I only made it up to level 67 or so. From 1-67 I had no level grinding whatsoever. Leveled up exclusively from questing. But, the quests got a bit boring - -kill x mobs, collect x items, travel here and back, go buy/make x items.

No open world pvp that I ever saw. Mostly pvp was in tournaments, that went on 24/7. Used some sort of match making system. Only problem with it was there was like a 10 level range spread for it. You could be going up against someone much higher level than you, and you'd lose unless they really just sucked (or were on auto battle).

Yeah, ok, probably not what you're looking for. But, even though I don't play the game at the moment, I don't really miss a chance at throwing out plugs for it. It was definately the best of the free mmo's I've ever played (although I'm sure you'll realize thats not saying much)


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Aion has PvP but it has a grind. Also there are artificial limitations to the PVP, such as if someone is 5 levels higher, abilities are resisted 50%, 10 levels higher, abilities are resisted 100% of the time. And there is no level range for the PvP, so you have high lvl 40+ going through lvl 20 areas, and no matter what, the 20's will fail to make a scratch on the higher lvls, even if it's a 20 to 1 ratio against the lvl 40+ player. So it's pretty lame. Not much point to this post other than say Aion is not a good choice, if they removed that stupid level logic, the game would be a ton better PVP wise.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
The new "PvP" MMO is simply a traditional FPS with an Guild Wars common area style "lobby". All actual combat is instanced groups of traditional multiplayer-FPS size (10v10, 16v16, etc.)

If this is what you're talking about, then look at Global Agenda, Huxley, Crime Craft and their ilk.

If you're talking about open-world sandbox style like Planetside? Doesn't exist until Planetside 2 (which is in the works) comes out.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Why do people always say FPS's are like PVP MMO's. I love both genres but they are nothing alike, just because you are competing against other people does not make them the same.

Anyway to the OP, I've been trying Aion and Warhammer but they are both have pve based leveling systems so there is grind there. GW was the only game that did it right, and I expect GW2 to be the best pvp mmo around when it comes out.


Dec 11, 2000
PVP, MMO, and Casual do not ever go together.

I think EVE is as close as you're going to get. You can essentially start PvPing Day 1, and you'll be useful after a few days. No, you won't be going out and pwning noobs, but you will have a legit use in certain PvP circumstances. And the grind really isn't bad as early on the ships are cheap, and farming is fairly quick/easy. Also, you level up in real time whether you play or not, so no grind there.


Junior Member
Dec 14, 2009
Mortal Online should be coming out soon. I don't hold much hope, it seems like the PVP niche market is doomed to bad underfunded releases, but who knows? Maybe someday a major developer will realize the futility of trying to steal market from WoW.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Why do people always say FPS's are like PVP MMO's. I love both genres but they are nothing alike, just because you are competing against other people does not make them the same.

Anyway to the OP, I've been trying Aion and Warhammer but they are both have pve based leveling systems so there is grind there. GW was the only game that did it right, and I expect GW2 to be the best pvp mmo around when it comes out.

I like how you talk about what isn't a PvP MMO and then go on to lump guild wars with mmos...


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I'm well aware of the differences, I'm merely suggesting those as an alternative because there is no such thing as a "casual PVP MMO" in my books.

I'm also very, very surprised that no one else has suggested those either. FPS's are completely on the opposite side of the spectrum from an "fps mmo."

RTS RPGs are far from MMOs, but they offer

1 - RPG
2 - Give "casual" players a chance to compete, where as most MMOs require a heavy time investment and the time spent (as opposed to skill). In DOTA, every gets the same chance to farm as well as they can.

E.G> In an MMO, my level 50 in AION is going to WTFPwn your level 40 in less than hits. I've also spent hundreds of hours of game play leveling, grinding, and farming items to give me the advantage though.

Guild wars is still the closest to a casual pvpmmo, but even there, farming better skills items >> anyone that's just jumping in with a premade character.

IMO, what they need are MMOs with specific servers where players are limited to choose from specific sets of gear (a wide variety of top end) and just duke it out like the how the WoW Arena tournaments were set up. There, no one could complain about having better gear than anyone else.

Those aren't MMOs. Massively multi-player generally refers to a massive number of characters existing in the same "world" (server) at the same time. That's why Diablo 2 is simply considered an RPG by most, not an MMORPG: only 8 players can play in a game at any given time.

Those games are also more about strategy than classic RPG elements. For example, if you can beat the enemy team at level 6, by all means you should, thus ending the game. In contrast, a MMORPG doesn't have a set ending objective, allowing you to level up and increase your stats / PvP rank / gear / reputation / etc. seemingly forever. Even Diablo 2 allowed you to continue "questing" (leveling and getting gear) after you beat the final boss multiple times. With DotA, when you kill their base, the game is over and you start back over from the beginning next game.

I'm not trying to bash your suggestions - I actually think they're well worth looking into for anyone that loves good PvP tactics in any game, but I do want to correct the terminology.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I dont know of any good pvp mmorpgs coming out.

However...I cant really think of any good pvp mmorpgs period.

I have come full circle with mmo's. From Everquest to SWG ( where I first tried PVP , it was flawed but a blast ), then to countless others that we have probably all played.

Only to realize nobody has gotten it remotely right at least in my mind. "Player vs Player" at its best happened organically dare I say by accident. When games tried to focus on it - it just got worse. These PVP mini games, battlegrounds are stupid. Why not just play TF2?

Then there are the few "Hardcore" pvp games like Darkfall. Trash. Now your in a world where all everyone wants to do is grief the newbies. oops, now your all alone in a world with "l33t pvpers" with nothing to do. I saw it happen in Age of Conan as well. Bunch of rabid elite players that flock to the uber pvp guild end up with nothing to do but camp farming areas ...

Then there is the "Chinese Buffet" type games like Warhammer. It was great for like a month. Then there is so much mindless PVP battleground shoved down your throat, after killing hundreds of people ( only to watch them instantly respawn with no real gain nor feeling of "death ) suddenly you are sick to your stomach of it.

I kept longing and analyzing these games trying to figure out what they could do to make pvp work and now I realize - its just doesnt work and it will not work. I believe MMOS are going to die with World of Warcraft as we know them. Things are headed more small scale and "Co-op".

So I play TF2. No monthly fee, no leveling. Theres a mini PVP game for ya. I could not recommend a good pvp mmo because they do not exist.

**Edit - I do agree with an above post about eve. Probably best there is really need to be into the story/guild/politics side and you have to really work to make it fun. Other wise you will just fly into 0.0 space and be insta killed and thats not pvp**
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