New PC Windows XP install problems


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2005
First of all, my apologies to everyone if this topic is similar to another question answered. (I've been to other forums, I'm just trying to diffuse some tensions before I get flamed :p )

Anyway, my friend recently built his own computer. His system specs are as follows:

Mobo: K7N2 Delta-ILSR
RAM: Corsair 2x512 PC 3200
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ CPU w/ 400mhz FSB
HDD: Seagate 80 Gb SATA 7200.7 HD (2) Raid 0
Graphics: ATI AIW Radeon 9600 XT AGP

Here is the deal. I've worked on it for a while now and I am stumped. I've formatted the hard drive into two partitions, one 40 GB and the other 110 GB. The 40 GB partition is C: and that is were Windows is being installed.

After the partition is formatted to NTFS, Windows begins installing the drivers and files. The screen goes to the GUI installation and then the weird stuff starts happening. It says that there is 39 minutes left, but that never changes. The green boxes in the bottom right keep moving, like the computer is still thinking and those Windows Tips and Information Column words change as well. Then the computer does three different things: 1. Restarts 2. Gives a Blue Screen of Death, with an error 3. or the computer freezes.

I've tried various things such as changing stuff the FSB speed in the BIOS (cause that worked for me), not partitioning the drives, and other things.

If anybody can help me out with this problem, I would be indebted to you.

Thank you for you time guys.


Jul 2, 2005
Usually, when I run into something like that, I strip out all the stuff you don't absolutely need and then try to install. Take out or disconnect everything except for the one hard drive, the CPU, the memory, the vid card, and one CD Rom drive. The install and see what happens. If it no workie, then you might have an issue with the IDE controller or with the mobo/memory. If it works, then you can start adding other devices/drives one at a time to figure out where the problem is.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2004
It is more than likely a memory issue. Try it with each stick of RAM separately for install. Also try it in a non-RAID config and see if that helps. More than likely it is a RAM stick though...


May 7, 2005
I agree with both of these recommendations and will further probe in the RAM direction.

Did you check the motherboard manufacturer's website and see if they recommend specific brands of RAM? It is remotely possible your Corsair is not supported, although it should be fine.

The probability is that one of the RAM sticks is bad. test the system with memtest86 or memtest86+ for at least 24 hours.

It is also possible the Power Supply needs to be replaced with a larger and stronger unit. Read Power Supply 101 for more information.

By the way, that 40GB C: partition is too large. Make that C: partition somewhere between 18-25GB and it should be more than enough. Although I must admit I do not know what your specific needs are.

You can transfer all the users personal files to the D: partition by following this procedure:
copy C:\Documents and Settings\* D:\WinXP

Then login as each user on the system and go to:
right-click My Computer, select Properties, select Advanced tab, select Environment Variables button at bottom,
in the "User variable for <username>" section, create a variable named "USERPROFILE" and give it the value "D:\WinXP\<username>".

In the "System variables" section, create a variable named "ALLUSERSPROFILE" and give it the value "D:\WinXP\All Users".

If you desire, you may hide the D:\WinXP folder by right-clicking it and selecting Properties, then giving it the "Hidden" attribute, but only for that folder and not for its subfolders.

Please reset the bios back to its default configuration just in case anything was changed that should not have been. Such as memory configurations. You can make any alterations you wish later after the system is verified to work properly.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I run memtest86 (or memtest86+) overnight on a new build before I install the OS to make sure the ram is OK. You might try that too.
