New pc now or later?


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2004
hi everybody. Here's what I got: pentium 3, 500mhz, 20 gig hd (75% full), onboard video. works ok, but planning on upgrading. I have heard that there are new things coming out in the next several months. pci express? new pentium socket? no more agp?

Should I build now, or wait a while? I plan on building my own pc. I will be using it for internet, photoshop, and plan on getting into digital video editing. I will need a capture device and a dvd burner. I also will do some light gaming. I am thinking Intel, but my mind could be changed.

I will reuse my monitor, printer, keyboard, mouse, ect... I have budget set at $800 - $1000 us dollars.

I know that in general, there is no sense waiting to build a computer, beacuse everything is outdated soon anyway, but is the upcoming technology going to be that much better? If I build now will I have compatibility issues with the upcoming technology?

One more thought, with summer coming, I won't be using the computer as much, so if I do wait, it won't kill me. Thanks for your replies.



Golden Member
Mar 17, 2003
It'll be a couple years before PCI Express, BTX, and DDR2 will be worth buying. I would build now and in three or four years build a new system.


Feb 8, 2004
Well if you buy later then you will have the advantage of a PCI-E slot even if it isnt that great anyways also a BTX case which is probably better than ATX. But theres always somthing new and better just a few months down the line but still its not very often that the graphics card slot is changed so i think you should wait for PCI-E


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Welcome to Anandtech.

If you were going for the high end, then I'd say wait a bit. There are interesting things coming there that may be very useful (new sockets for CPU, much improved graphics cards, newer PCI slots, etc) - but you have to be willing to fork over the money for them. It sounds like you don't want/need all high end components, so I see no reason to wait. Both Intel and AMD just finished their 1Q price cuts (and they have worked their way through the retail line) so there won't even be a price advantage in waiting (unless you waited multiple months). To top it off, your current computer is pretty aged - so you'll love the performance boost you'll get.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2003
I would still wait for a couple years to buy the new technoligy so all the kinks will be worked out and the pricing will be more affordable.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: dullard
Welcome to Anandtech.

If you were going for the high end, then I'd say wait a bit. There are interesting things coming there that may be very useful (new sockets for CPU, much improved graphics cards, newer PCI slots, etc) - but you have to be willing to fork over the money for them. It sounds like you don't want/need all high end components, so I see no reason to wait. Both Intel and AMD just finished their 1Q price cuts (and they have worked their way through the retail line) so there won't even be a price advantage in waiting (unless you waited multiple months). To top it off, your current computer is pretty aged - so you'll love the performance boost you'll get.

Listen to the more experienced members (not allways by post count, but look at that and date joined is a good indicator)

Buy now.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2004
Thanks for the replies. OK, from what I have researched, the biggest bottleneck in pc's is the hard drive. would you get a $100 asus motherboard and a p4 2.8 or get a cheaper board and processor and spend the money on a raptor?

Basically, would I be better served buying less processor and faster harddrive?

What is the AMD equivilant of the p4 2.8 800mhz fsb? Not a huge gamer, and want to get into dv editing.


Senior member
Oct 29, 2003
wait a few months after half life 2 because thats when prices will drop due to new harware.


Mar 9, 2000
A relatively (budget) "high-end" rig has NEVER been so affordable . . .

You can wait but you can be SURE the new stuf is gonna be EXPENSIVE.

It's gonna be awhile before a 3.4Ghz P4 or Athlon A64 3000+ needs an upgrade . . . by THEN, the new "cutting edge" hardware will be affordable and mature. ;)

Your current rig is gettting slow (except by 3rd world standards)... :D

EDIT: For Intel:
P4 2.8c (and O/c it to at least 3.2Ghz) ~ $180
2x256 PC3200 ~ $120 (make sure you get 2 sticks of matched RAM for Dual-channel)
MB - Abit IC7 ~ $120

For AMD:
A-3000+ (especially if you are a gamer) ~ $225
MB - pick one - using a search in GH or the advice here ~$100
RAM - 1 stick 512MB PC3200 ~$100

either system will satisfy for a few more years.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: apoppin
A relatively (budget) "high-end" rig has NEVER been so affordable . . .

You can wait but you can be SURE the new stuf is gonna be EXPENSIVE.

It's gonna be awhile before a 3.4Ghz P4 or Athlon A64 3000+ needs an upgrade . . . by THEN, the new "cutting edge" hardware will be affordable and mature. ;)

Your current rig is gettting slow (except by 3rd world standards)... :D

Edit (need to read thread more closely)

OK, how about Athlon64 3000+, Antec sonata case, 512 meg PC3500 Mushkin level 1, Aopen 86-L (or something like that KT800 chipset) motherboard, Sony DVD burner, Maxtor 160 gig fluid bearing HD, Radeon 9800pro video, and (somebody insert good video capture card) I come up with $1027 at newegg, and only missing video capture card.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Markfw900
Originally posted by: apoppin
A relatively (budget) "high-end" rig has NEVER been so affordable . . .

You can wait but you can be SURE the new stuf is gonna be EXPENSIVE.

It's gonna be awhile before a 3.4Ghz P4 or Athlon A64 3000+ needs an upgrade . . . by THEN, the new "cutting edge" hardware will be affordable and mature. ;)

Your current rig is gettting slow (except by 3rd world standards)... :D

Question based on that, What is the absolute most you could spend on an upgrade, and what monitor, and type of keyboard,mouse,speakers do you have now ? (so what parts need to get upgraded) My guess would be case (biffer PSU and more cooling), motherboard,cpu,memory,HD,video card, capture card, dvd burner. Your floppy and CD could come out of your old box, along with kb,mouse,speakers (maybe)
See my EDIT in the last post.

I built a P4 rig from NewEgg for ~$500 shipped (350w case/CPU/RAM/MB)

EDIT: For Intel:
P4 2.8c (and O/c it to at least 3.2Ghz) ~ $180
2x256 PC3200 ~ $120 (make sure you get 2 sticks of matched RAM for Dual-channel)
MB - Abit IC7 ~ $120

For AMD:
A64-3000+ (especially if you are a gamer) ~ $225
MB - pick one - using a search in GH or the advice here ~$100
RAM - 1 stick 512MB PC3200 ~$100


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2004
I would need a new case, my old board is micro atx??? I have a 17 inch crt, a richoh cd-rw 20x8x20x ??? a floppy, printer, keyboard and mouse.

Hey, a buddy said i could get a copy of xp, but how does that work. Would micro-monopoly know about it. would i be able to do online updates?

How do i get all my old stuff off my old harddrive. i have tons of digital photos.

Would i be able to use my old 20 gig harddrive? or is it total junk?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: laurenlex
I would need a new case, my old board is micro atx??? I have a 17 inch crt, a richoh cd-rw 20x8x20x ??? a floppy, printer, keyboard and mouse.

Hey, a buddy said i could get a copy of xp, but how does that work. Would micro-monopoly know about it. would i be able to do online updates?

How do i get all my old stuff off my old harddrive. i have tons of digital photos.

Would i be able to use my old 20 gig harddrive? or is it total junk?
You have quite a few specific questions that can be answered by using the "search" function.

Generally, I'd say UPgrade what you can afford based on what NEEDS it.

Clearly you need a new case - well Power Supply, at least to supply a minumum of 300w.
A CPU and MB is essential as well as RAM.

A videocard is also necesary (unless you are a complete non-gamer - then just get a MB w/integrated graphics) . . . MB sound is sufficient but if you have nice speakers, you will want an Audigy2.

If you are satisfied with your monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc . . . keep them and upgrade when you like and have the disposable cash.

A new Hard Drive would be nice and fast but your old one will "work" until you upgrade - even then you can use your current old 20giger as a secondary storage.

Don't ask about warezing XP here . . . it's not discussed on this forum . . . win 98 will do until you can afford the $80 or so bucks for an UPgrade (winXP home if you can't afford or don't need pro).

EDIT: Yur budget of $800-$1000 will provide a VERY nice UPgrade.