Gibson486 Lifer Aug 9, 2000 18,378 1 0 Apr 1, 2005 #1 Anyone hear it? Just heard it today. It's called "Lyla". I think this is there worst promotional song ever....that is all.
Anyone hear it? Just heard it today. It's called "Lyla". I think this is there worst promotional song ever....that is all.
C chrisms Diamond Member Mar 9, 2003 6,615 0 0 Apr 1, 2005 #3 I'm listening to "Battery" by Metallica and it is much better
T tec699 Banned Dec 19, 2002 6,440 0 0 Apr 1, 2005 #4 i JST FARTED AND THAT SOUNDs better then crap osasis/,
I Icepick Diamond Member Nov 1, 2004 3,663 4 81 Apr 1, 2005 #6 Are the brothers back together? I'm surprised Liam didn't implode yet. He was a major a-ho.
C CptObvious Platinum Member Mar 5, 2004 2,501 7 81 Apr 1, 2005 #7 I listened to it. It's decent but sounds like it should be a b-side instead of a single. I was expecting worse though.
I listened to it. It's decent but sounds like it should be a b-side instead of a single. I was expecting worse though.