NEW LOW FOR INTEL !! (a must read)


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
"the company that claims to innovate is more likely to be labelled as one that copies on the sly. µ "(theinquirer, )

WOW, with all the money that intel makes, they still got to rip off other peoples designs. I mean, between this and the democratic "MEMORIAL," more like RALLY!, in minnisota, what will people do to get ahead in this world. Man this is getting sad and pathetic! and just when i was thinking of switchin to intel because of memory performance! Now never will i switch. I cant stand behind a company that has no moral or ethical values at all!!! this is one person never buying intel again!! no matter what!

well anyways.. thanks for listening to my rant!


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member<br>AT FAQ M
Oct 9, 1999
I'm sure AMD is highly ethical and will stand back from chances to make as much money as possible.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2000
I'm sure Intel will shudder from the financial loss you bring them...


May 9, 2002
WOW, with all the money that intel makes, they still got to rip off other peoples designs.

If you actually take the time to even glance at Intergraph's patents (available on their web site), you'll notice that they themselves reference other people's works in their patents. What leads you to believe the two companies didn't come up with similar solutions to similar problems around the same time? Truth is, I don't know what happened here any more than you do. Maybe Intergraph is just faster at filing patent applications?

* Not speaking for Intel Corp *


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
don.. you know whats really funny about this, is one, your right intel is not losing anything from me not buying there product. But u got to think of it in another perspective, and that is what about the others that see this gross sign of neglegence, and stop buying from intel because of it. Its stupid mistakes like this that cost companys $$$. You know that some companies base there business on how other companies do business. Your right.. me not buying intel doesnt do crap to them!!! Let me put another spin on this. I also read that because of this lawsuit, you might have to pay more for the itanium. Another thing, this doesnt do good for stock holders either. The amount of $$$ being spent on trials and lawyers lowers intels profits. In turn, you pay more for intel products.

Andy, your right, but i never said that AMD were angels, they just dont seem to screw everyone they do business with. (IMHO)

sonoran, first I dont see anyone bringing a lawsuit agains intergraph. doesnt matter if they are sharing as long as its legal. Second, you would think intel would be able to get a patent out before intergraph, with all that money they got and such a good R&D. And even if they did create the same solution to the same problem at the same time, the company that is filing the patent is (!! if im not mistaken here !!) responsible for finding the similar patented item before they do file.

so i just dont know... just looks bad to me


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2001
Welcome to business world my friend. Companies do devious things. This is the least you should be worried about a large corporation doing. Look at what MS does? Their strong-arm monopolistic tactics are for worse than this, but they still continue to thrive because they make software that people like.


May 9, 2002
I cant stand behind a company that has no moral or ethical values at all!!! this is one person never buying intel again!! no matter what!

Goose77, the main thing you said that ticked me off was this. You imply that Intel does business in an immoral, unethical fashion. You practically state it as a defacto standard. I can tell you that my coworkers and I don't do business that way. So surprise, surprise - I take offense at what you say. In fact, it could be considered slander. But the lawyers of the world already have too much work...

Its stupid mistakes like this that cost companys $$$.

So somebody screwed up (I guess you never make mistakes?), and in the end, Intel is paying for the right to use the technology. I fail to see what you have to be angry about, or how you could equate this with immoral, unethical behavior. As for the expense to Intel, wouldn't Intergraph have charged for the rights to use their technology either way? All companies protect their intellectual property - if they want to stay in business.

* Not speaking for Intel Corp *


Aug 12, 2002
"the company that claims to innovate is more likely to be labelled as one that copies on the sly. µ "(theinquirer, )

The inquiere is all BS.... Out of all these articales people post, I havnt seen ONE of them actually be true, last one I saw, they claimed some guy benchied a hammer that had a clock speed of 800 mhz...... Never believe the inquiere :disgust:


Senior member
Oct 30, 2002
Seems to me the only reason Intergraph is even still around is because they keep sponging off of Intel, what Intel should do is just buy their company outright, that would stop this stupid lawsuit.

Also, $150 million is just a drop in the bucket to Intel.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Do you know for a fact that this was a blatant theft of patented ideas or this could be just a simple case of similar ideas and a sloppy patent lawyer doing the search prior to intel marketing and producing its product. Similar ideas float around and often it is he who first gets in the patent though may not have the capacity to even produce it.....It is often a sad game within itself!!!


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
A successful corporation is run like a military campaign and war is hell ;) BTW, your being irrate with a corporation that is designed to last and therefore benefit the economy and employ many thousands of workers is illogical, why not direct that anger at corporations who's only goal has coined a term "built to flip". Enron, WorldCom, and a host of DotBOMB companies did nothing more than get the worth high, sell off and amass a fortune from it leaving failed businesses, thousands out of work with no retirement money or benefits and the tax payers to pick up the tab :| Now does Intel's business practices seem so terrible when viewed from that perspective? I certainly don't think so, and the fact that they are consumate Capitalist gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside :p Now if they would just hire an Advertising Agency that could make some commercials that do not suck ;)


Senior member
Nov 1, 1999
Intel decided to settle with Integraph not because they admitted fault. It is because if they fight and happen to lose the case (texas = anti-intel), the consequence will equate to much much much more that 150 million. Basically they have to give a portion of each microprocessor that has the technology in question. How much do you think that will add up to?

It wasn't worth it.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pink0
Goose77, your grammar is absolutely attrocious! You don't know the difference between "there," "their," and "They're" or "You're" and "your" and you don't seem to understand how to properly pluralize words. It hurt to read that post. Seriously man.

Oh oh! Looks like someone is auditioning to be the Grammar Mod. For crying out loud post something useful or positive PinkO. All your posts seem to be nothing more than useless whining today.


Golden Member
May 2, 2000

Look at what MS does? Their strong-arm monopolistic tactics are for worse than this, but they still continue to thrive because they make software that people like.
what ?! MSdoes things like that ?! you've just shattered my whole world...


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
Thank you all for reading and responding to my post. enjoyed the comments except for Pinko!

Pink, i never really try to be grammatically correct when i post. im just making MY POINT! no one forced you to read it. you seem to be a lonely english teacher that just needs some! not wasting any more space on u!

i do want to say thank you to DAPUNISHER for his comments, he enlightened me the most.


Nov 3, 2002
Ah.. businesses walk over people, and do evil things, but unfortunately our economy couldnt run on small Mom and Pop stores, so they are unfortunately a necessary evil... :(


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
i will goto the patent office and patent your genes, then all you genes will belong to me!!