Re: SDE.
The SDE and pixelation of a 480p projector on a 100" screen from relatively close as you seem to be describing would drive me totally nuts. The reviews suggest that because of it, they recommend you sit 2.0X screen width away. For a 100" screen, the screen width is 87.2", or 7.3'. 2X screen width is about 15 feet. Too far, at least for the first row.
I like a seating distance of about 1.4X screen width for the first row. For my 90" screen (78.4" wide), that's about 9 feet.
P.S. I call shens on the 243". If we assume for the moment that he's actually is using a screen that big, then either the projector costs 5-digit $, or else his image quality is poor. Furthermore, the screen would be far too big, unless he's sitting quite far away. At a seating distance of say 12', with a screen width of 17.6', that means a seating distance of 0.68. That's like sitting 2 feet away from a 42" TV. A 1.4X screen width calculation would put it at more like 25 feet seating distance for a 243" screen, which is like sitting 4-5 feet away from a 42" screen.
However, a 143" screen would make sense. Not only would an affordable projector work with it, it would only need about a 14' seating distance or so.