Originally posted by: Wreckem
Originally posted by: yllus
What makes you say that?Originally posted by: Wreckem
Thats because the developers stuck to their guns and wouldn't compromise with Microsoft.Originally posted by: Murphy Durphy
I'm a hardcore X360 fan, and an even bigger fan of First Person Shooters. Ever since this game has been announced, I've been skeptical. Sure it looks great...well fvckin unbelievable, but I was worried about if it'd live up to such tremendous hype the game's been getting.
However every single review and hands on I've read, and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE, the person has been blown away. I've never heard of a game in which nay sayers and skeptics alike are all saying "This lives up to the hype, and beyond."
I'll be picking this one up for sure.
The developers and MS battled over features and gameplay.
Even more importanlyt, 256MB vs. 512MB. All of you folks can thank Epic and GoW for getting 512MB of RAM.