I am looking to put together a new gaming machine and was hoping to get feedback from the far more knowledgeable people here! Some info:
I am looking to put together a new gaming machine and was hoping to get feedback from the far more knowledgeable people here! Some info:
- I'd like to spend below $3000, taxes included, in Canada (I typically buy from Canada Computers). I plan to build within the next few weeks. I do not need any software or peripherals.
- I'm generally an Nvidia and Intel user
- I hope this build will perform well for 5-6 years
- I will be gaming on a single 2560x1440 144Hz monitor
- I plan to lightly overclock the CPU, using whatever tools come with the motherboard
- I don't game competitively or anything, but would like to maintain ~150FPS in new games at fairly high graphics, but they don't have to be maxed out
- The link to the parts with a Western Digital 2TB SSD vs. with a Western Digital Black 4TB HD