I know there are people saying that it doesn't live to the standards of Futurama the episodes, but granted you would have to figure since the stories have to go for a lot longer. To me this hit the spot as far as the TV series goes.
What people forget is what made Futurama so funny was the subtle humor, it wasn't so, insert-punchline-here humor, it was noticeable, like you have to see the humor in it, that makes it funny. The characters isn't exactly the way it was in the show, but it is really close, fry isn't as dim witted, and that was pretty much the only character difference I could tell that was so different.
If you want a real disappointment of not living to standards, see Benders Big Score, that was more of Futurama gone drama, the only funny part was the intro, after that it kept a real serious tone, which isn't the Futurama I remember, and when you still watch the old episodes as much as me (3-4 a day) you know how Futurama plays out, and how it should go.
Overall: In my books better than BBS, plays out just great, and it is really funny, and if you remember a lot of the old episodes, it will be more entertaining