Below is the compilation of my second build, with the source of purchase, which is on the way to me, right now. It is a complete and exact price list of the whole build.
I finished a similar build for my wife back in September. It had the E6400 processor, a 256 meg ATI OEM vid card, and only one gig of the PC5400 CAS4 ram.
I'm using Win2k on both machines, so gaming isn't our big priority. I have delved in to some modest OC'ing and love the ease with which Abit allows such shenanigans, at least at the levels that I feel relatively safe.
I'm not sure how far I will push my second build, but from my results with my wife's machine, I can't wait for mine to get here. With all the negative comments I saw attributed to the AB9 Pro boards, I have experienced none but having to temporarily disable all but the Intel RAID drivers, then, enable them... after that it's smooth as silk, and the best computer I've ever owned... and that's since 1995. Hope mine does so well.
I use my machines for video, audio, image editing, burning all of that to disk, and anything else I can do to complete my various projects... but gaming isn't totally out of the question... just not a priority, right now. Heck, I'm only sixty... wait till I learn what these 'puters will do.
By the way, I'm using an old ATI Rage Pro 8 meg video card for the ATI upgrade program trade-in. It came on an old computer back in 1998 with a VooDoo2 card, for those of you who might remember such things. Glad I didn't throw that thing away. Something to consider for some of you wanting a discount on a vid card... maybe.
Sorry for the confusing list... it's just how it pasted. I'm sure you get the idea.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 Ghz $319.30
Cooler Master Fan/sink RR-PCH-S9U1-GP $24.91
Arctic Silver Ceramique Premium 2.5 oz. $3.50
Abit AB9 Pro $142.04
Mitsumi 1.44MB Floppy Drive $7.90
Enermax ELT500AWT Liberty PSU $97.90
Cooler Master CAC TO5 Blue/Black $45.00
Western Digital WD2500YS $79.90
ATI Radeon X1600 Pro PCIe 512MB DDR2 $199.00 ATI upgrade prog.
Liteon SHM-165H6S w/LightScribe $35.90
Shipping $41.43
ATI upgrade rebate $ 50.00
Corsair memory rebate $ 40.00
Total $1276.33