New DVD burner stuck in PIO mode?


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2003
I recently bought a Dell XPS 400 system. Rather than upgrading to the burner that they offered, I left it with a CD-RW and bought a Pioneer DVR-110D from Newegg. Set both drives up as master/slave on the primary IDE (HDDs are SATA), but BIOS does not recognize the burner (although Windows does)...not sure if this is part of the main problem or not. Anyhow, its an 8x burner but benchmarks at 1.3x. I finally checked the transfer mode and noticed that it is stuck in PIO mode, and Ive been unable to figure out how to change it. I attempted to uninstall the IDE channel and let it reinstall on reboot, but now BOTH drives are PIO only. I know Windows reverts to PIO after so many errors, but wouldnt these errors be brought to my attention? Ive had no known errors other than just very slow burns.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Seems DVD is set as primary (recommended), however be sure it is thus at the end of the cable. Otherwise try swapping so RW is primary at end and DVD is secondary in middle. Or, if there are two channels then move one to the secondary with appropriate jumper settings and cable locations.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
First, if you have an nForce mobo and installed the nForce IDE driver, uninstall the driver and let the defalult Windows driver handle the IDE. If that doesn't work or you don't have the driver installed, try reversing the Master/Slave settings on the drives. Still doesn't work, then set both drives to Cable Select, use 80-wire cable (blue connector goes to mobo regardless of whether using M/S or CS). The drive you want to be primary goes on end, secondary on middle connector. In any case, add ASPI layer software - DL from
