posted on hardocp
could anyone try them out and post if these numbers are correct? ATi Catalyst 2.2:
New ATi Catalyst 2.2 drivers are out, and they are boasting some pretty impressive increases. ATi seems to be following through on their promise to bring regular driver updates considering the last Catalyst drivers were released 5 - 6 weeks ago. Grab em' if you need em. Here's a clip from the performance numbers they are quoting:
CATALYST 02.2 provides significant performance improvements in OpenGL games across the entire RADEON product line, especially at high resolutions.
Up to 25% improvement in Quake III (1600x1200, Max Quality)
Up to 35% improvement in Return to Castle Wolfenstein (1600x1200, High Quality)
Up to 50% improvement in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (1600x1200, Extreme Quality)
These drivers will also be included in the upcoming WinXP Service Pack and they include support for the Radeon 9000 and 9700 as well.
could anyone try them out and post if these numbers are correct?