New build using existing parts; the eternal builder question


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Still on a 2600k/8GB/580 build from like five years ago. Plays everything nearly maxed, but many new game's minimums are finally stating specs above my hardware (mostly vid card).

I'm sure I'll need a new mobo, cpu, and vid card, and since memory is cheap I'll probably go to 16GB. But, I'm about to move and don't want to drop 2 grand on an entirely new system (all in).

Should (can ?) I drop cash on a 9XX, OC my 2600k (have aftermarket cooler I never installed (didn't need it)), and play Fallout 4, Just Cause 3, etc at near max settings?

Not looking for part recommendations; I can research and figure that out easily. Just wondering if I can still get some years out of that 2600k if I OC it and get and a new vid card.


Aug 8, 2007
Absolutely, the vast majority of games will still be GPU limited with a 2600k, regardless of the video card. I'm still rocking a 920, and the CPU is the least of my worries when it comes to game performance.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
My game rig is running an OC'd 2500K and recent GTX970... it does very well. My game library's most recent title is BF4, so I don't really need bleeding edge tech; but for you, if you had the loot, a GTX980 [et al] would take you where you need to go, and be a reasonable GPU to carry over if you decide to rebuild in a year or so.