well guys, this is my first attempt at building a pc, i've taken apart and put back together systems, but never built from the ground up. any help would be appreciated on the steps i should take. also, here is what i purchased, opinions r welcome:
Samsung DVDRW-saw great reviews, and is very quiet
NZXT LEXA CASE-have read two great reviews, and the ps is supposed to be adequete for my system
-just wish i new the core..
Corsair XMS 1 gig(2x512)-this wasn't my top choice, but i didn't have another 40 bux for ocz.
Samsung Floppy-all things samsung?
EPoX MB-great board, good cooling, and heard it is good for oc'ing(side note, does the memory/board oc at the same rate? or r they completly independent)
Samsung DVD-notice a patern
EVGA 7800GTX-Great card from what i hear, there was two more that were 20/40 dollars more, but they were out of stock. does anyone know the difference?
Samsung HD-SATA II-good hd, 200 gigs to start, and super quiet yet again
well thats it in a nut shell. the system is already ordered, and should be here wednesday of next week, so that will be dday. i have a dell 2005fpw on the way as well, a logitech mx518 sitting next to me, and might be getting a saitek kb soon. i have an older creative 5.1 speaker system for now, but will be upgrading soon enough, when i get the sound card as well. other than that, i think i have covered all bases. i didn't get thermal paste, cuz i heard it voids your warranty, is this true? well thanx everyone for your help.
Samsung DVDRW-saw great reviews, and is very quiet
NZXT LEXA CASE-have read two great reviews, and the ps is supposed to be adequete for my system
-just wish i new the core..
Corsair XMS 1 gig(2x512)-this wasn't my top choice, but i didn't have another 40 bux for ocz.
Samsung Floppy-all things samsung?
EPoX MB-great board, good cooling, and heard it is good for oc'ing(side note, does the memory/board oc at the same rate? or r they completly independent)
Samsung DVD-notice a patern
EVGA 7800GTX-Great card from what i hear, there was two more that were 20/40 dollars more, but they were out of stock. does anyone know the difference?
Samsung HD-SATA II-good hd, 200 gigs to start, and super quiet yet again
well thats it in a nut shell. the system is already ordered, and should be here wednesday of next week, so that will be dday. i have a dell 2005fpw on the way as well, a logitech mx518 sitting next to me, and might be getting a saitek kb soon. i have an older creative 5.1 speaker system for now, but will be upgrading soon enough, when i get the sound card as well. other than that, i think i have covered all bases. i didn't get thermal paste, cuz i heard it voids your warranty, is this true? well thanx everyone for your help.