New BIOS revision for GA-X38-DQ6


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I just noticed a few minutes ago while browsing the GigaByte's web-site that a new BIOS revision for the GA-X38-DQ6 (the DDR2 variant) had been released just a few days ago on January 2nd I believe. The new revision is the F7.

It's on the right side of that page, under the "Related Link" panel, you click on "BIOS" and then you go down the page, you'll see the new BIOS there.

I haven't tried it yet, but they mention having improved overall performance along with over-clock performance improvements. As well as CPU compatibly-related changes. This is just for the heads up about it, I wanted to point at it for any of you around here X38-DQ6 owners like me. I could try it maybe later tomorrow on a temporary system (E6600 + Kingston DDR2 800). I will post if I notice any performance improvements over my last benchmarks with that system.

As a side note, I think that it might be interesting for Anandtech's Motherboard reviewers to perhaps consider updating their existing X38-DQ6 review and analyzes, and then actually measure the potential 'system performance' and 'over-clock performance' improvements they (GigaByte) claim the new BIOS offers.


Sep 20, 2003
I've already reported the new BIOS on the usual X38-DQ6 Topic 3 days ago and no one replied!!!!!!

It is a very fine BIOS indeed, most of my overclocking problems seems to fade away with it.
on the performance side, I haven't touched any real improvements over the F6B but again I have not tested it enough yet.

But I do recommend every one with the X38-DQ6 to update to F7.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I too was using F6b on my temporary system only three weeks ago. But I couldn't over-clock. However tomorrow I'll definitely give over-clocking a try, and also compare my non-OC'ed benchmarks results from my F6b setup with the F7 results. And what type of OC'ing problems did you have with F6b that faded away with F7 exactly? Can you give an example?


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2007
I installed F7 when I saw this thread a couple of days ago. Since then the three drives I installed into my rig - which were all running great until then - have all quickly developed SMART errors, and one is about to go down. I'm curious to know if anyone else sees this problem, or if it's just me.



Junior Member
Mar 29, 2007
^ BUMP! ^

I don't think it will get anywhere, but I'm still curious enough to keep this in view.

I backed off F7 and re-installed the F6 BIOS (I now see the EIST option, which I never saw in the F6 BIOS that came on the board originally), and even though my hard drives still have errors, they don't seem to getting much worse. Could definitely be just the hard drives, though.