Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: alchemize
I told the mods I'd sleep on my request to delete the thread.
quit being such a drama queen.
All they do is whine anymore.. if anything it's not the bias killing p&n it's the right-wing complain to the management until they get their way types..
They get crap closed down by complaining, religious nuts use this all the time.
The old -If they don't get their way whine until someone bends the rules for their agenda scheme, hopefully the mods tell them to take a hike again.
It always makes me wonder: So many complaints in the MSM about "liberals" complaining and getting prayer taken out of schools and satan in every lunchroom etc,
I bet it's these same people calling and complaining about liberal issues to then turn around and blame us for something stupid like getting christmas closed down or something. :roll: