New AT&T Phone Maybe?


Nov 20, 2005
So AT&T is offering me an early upgrade for some reason. I want to replace my S4 and get new silicon, but this phone has spoiled me. I haven't been keeping up with new devices, but I don't think anything gives me what I have now (and I am NOT going backwards).

Is there any AT&T Android flagship devices that:

1. Has an unlocked bootloader or equivalent. I will just take root if item #2 doesn't require flashing a ROM.

2. Has some version that gets an official clean AOSP (aka not skinned) rom. I never want to go back to a semi-stable CM-kangs after running super stable GPe roms. Best would be a non-skinned Android device stock from AT&T, but if I have to ROM oh well as long as the ROM is GPe quality and I can ROM.

3. Would overall be a hardware upgrade to my S4 (so no Moto X).

I know I can just get WHATEVER, sell it and buy a Nexus 5 but I would rather just get the final phone from AT&T if possible. If I have to do the whole sell a new phone to get what I want I will wait for the iPhone 6 to max my upgrade (and MAYBE the Nexus 6 as the 5 is getting kinda old).

Thank you in advance for any response.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
I'm almost 100% sure that all phones from AT&T are encrypted bootloader/locked. I though the easiest way would be Nexus/GPe line.


Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
I believe you can get the AT&T HTC One (M8) to be on the GPe ROM/updates. However, I'm not sure if you think that is going backwards or not.