3-29-05-Update: Just for grins, I tried the Abit FlashMenu program this morning (I almost always use the Download file/floppy boot process to update BIOS) and there appears to be an info file that includes the address to a ver. 14 BIOS, but when FM tries to retrieve the file it isn't there. So perhaps momentarily there will be a ver.14 available...
I'm using an Abit KW7 which has been rock solid for me for several months now. An updated BIOS was released recently but somehow I missed its posting. It is v. 13.
It's available at : KW7-13 .
Or you can use Abit's live BIOS update program, BIOS Menu, to DL and install it.
There are also modified versions that unhide some of the hidden options on http://www.biosmods.com . You have to register for the forums in order to DL the mods and tools. There are mods for BIOS versions 11 and 13 . Use these entirely AT YOUR OWN RISK!
But they are pretty safe as they only UNHIDE some options that were already in the BIOS code.