I don't know why prices in canada and US are so different with exact same cards
a brand new 9800 non pro can be had for around the same price or cheaper than a 5900 non ultra if you can still get a hold of one ,where I'm at ,it's hard to find the 9800 non pro now
In canada a month ago a 9800 non pro was around $300-$330 canadian that's around $200-$220 US .Now a 5900 non ultra goes for around $350-$450 canadian here that's around $250-$330 US
the 9800 pro's price also just drop by over $100 canadian or over $50 US
right now I can get a 9800 pro here for $380-$395 Canadian that's $270-$290 US
while the cheapest 5900 ultra (depending on brand names)goes between $450-$650 here ,that's $350-$450 US
I find the nvidia's fx are so overpriced and ridiculiously slower than their competition in canada
don't buy a used 9700 pro try getting a new 9800 non pro or 9800 pro you will be set for now and the future weither your planning to play new directx 9 or older diretx 8 games you'll be happy.
but if your not planning to buy recent directx 9 and or future games or not planning to play games at all get nvidia's 5900 .
Everybody knows nvidia's fx series sucks big time, they need 2 pc slots ,they handle very poorly with directx 9 and future directx 9 games
especially when cranking up aa and af and image quality is lower than ati's
if you don't want to have to upgrade again soon when new games and future ones coming out that uses mainly directx9 ,then get ati 's 9X00 series ,do not get nvidia's fx line until they come out with a new generation card that actually beats ati without having to cheat to win