Networking profiles?


Apr 23, 2001
My wife occassionally brings her laptop home to do work. Instead of plugging into my wired router in the basement and sitting down there I've bout a wireless router and set it up.

Now she can sit upstairs and work to her hearts content. Only problem is, how the heck do I get her to see the other machines on my network (workgroup) so she can use the printer shared by my main rig? Her lappy is set up to be in her office's domain.

Is there a way to set up a networking profile so that her laptop becomes part of the workgroup and can use that shared printer? I don't want to have to change the machine settings whenever she brings it home (meaning take it out of the domain it's in and adding it to my workgroup) because I can't put it back in the domain without it being back on her work network.

Confused? I am :)

All machines involved are running winXP.


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2005
Ask her to get IT support to set her up as a remote user at work, this will allow her to exist in your workgroup and access files, printers, etc. at work plus if they allow true remote connections she can log into the network from any internet connection the added bonus of this is that if the kids have to take a day off school because their sick her employer can't complain because she can work just as well from home as the office!

I work with small companies with SBS2003 and I always add a wireless router outside the servers control so they have easy access to the internet and can connect to the network via remote logon but it doesn't compromise network security in the same way that putting the wireless connections on the inside of the networks would do.


Apr 23, 2001
Well, figured out all this isn't necessary, I can still connect to the printer by ip address. I had tried doing that earlier but was apparently missing a slash at the end of the ip address so it wasn't finding the printer.

Thanks for the suggestion though Martyn :)


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 1999
You can use the IP for data/file sharing as well as the printer. no need to do anything to profiles or network configs.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Originally posted by: ktwebb
You can use the IP for data/file sharing as well as the printer. no need to do anything to profiles or network configs.
If it works as stated by ktwebb leave it alone.

Otherwise you can configure WinXP to two independent connections:
