Network with XP and ME, XP navigates netork EXTREMLEY slowly


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2002
Ok, my XP machnie can see the ME... and whenever I try any network function on the ME machine it is fast.. on the XP, it is unberably slow

the XP machine is mid-high end. It takes forever for the machine to openthe workgroup, and then an eternity to open another computer, but once on that computer, it is fast

It has 2 nics, one to share internet connection. TCP, IPX

any ideas?


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
I have the same problem as far as the OS and network, 2 XP (1 home, 1 pro) and 2 ME laptops, sometimes would take up to 30 seconds to open up anything off the XP pro machine ( is a file and print server). All connections on the HUB show 100Meg links, with no heavy traffic! Restarts don't help! The hub is an ATI 16 port 10/100, with a linkssys BEFSR11, out to a DSL modem.


Senior member
Mar 15, 2002
Modify the hosts file on the XP PC to include IP addresses and the names of the ME/9x PC's. This file is found in the following directory: %windir%\system32\drivers\etc

You should ensure TCP/IP is installed right with the right network/subnets selected, the same workgroup in use on each PC, and each PC should use static IP addresses not DHCP ('cause if you edit a hosts file and put in IP addresses for the PC names, you don't want IP addresses to change).