Network with multiple computers and multiple internet connections

linden arden

Feb 28, 2005
Ok, everything I know about computers I know through building (and breaking) them over the past 7 or 8 years. I have a good bit of knowledge, but this upcoming project I am planning is a bit daunting. Conceptually, I think I can do it, but I am having trouble getting started.

Here is what I am working with:

I have access to several broadband sources
1) DSL modem (ethernet interface)
2) Cable modem (via a wireless bridge within the house)
3) Free wireless hotspot (again, wireless interface)

Here is what I want to do:

1) Have all of my various computers (6 or so at any given time) ALL connected to the same WIRELESS network at all times [should be able to VCN/file & print share/etc from any one computer to any other in the house]
2) Be able to access all three of the broadband connections availible to me via the network. I am NOT tryiing to combine all three wirelss connections into one (at this point - I know there is commercial software that can do this) What I want is for one of the BB connections to be a general connection used by multiple computers on the network and for each of the other two connections to go to two seperate computers respectively.

Ok, reading back over that, even I am a little confused. I'll restate it somewhat.

COMPUTERS: 1 2 3 4 5 6

1234 connect to the internet via A
5 connects to the internet via B
6 connects to the internet via C
**and 123456 are ALL on the same network!

So, couple of questions:
1) Can this be done with free software and the hardware I already have (fairly good selection of NICs, WIFI cards, 2 hubs, 1 WIFI router)?
2) Is there a smarter way to do what it SEEMS like I am trying to do? (I know that's a tough question to answer)

Alright, I know that is a lot. I read this forum about once a week and I am learning more and more about networking, but I just don't think I know enough at this point in time to figure this one out. I've done a fair about of experimenting, but I feel like there is a simple, direct solution to this problem. I look forward to hearing some responses. I am hear to learn, so don't be too hostile!


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
You'll probably want a NAT router for each of the bb connections. Set the A router to be a dhcp server and set clients 1-4 to use dhcp. All traffic from those machines to the internet will then automatically go through A. Set machine 5 to have a static setup with all the same settings as 1-4 except that the default gateway should be the internal ip of router B. That's how I'd start anyways; your ability to configure will depend on what the computers are running and there may be a better setup.

I'm not going to touch the wireless part, hopefully someone more knowledgeable will help you out :)