Neo2 + 3000/64 90nm with 3200 Ballistick


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
I have seen from everyone that they are able to overclock the 3000+ above 250fsb, but I can't seem to get it past 239fsb, once I hit 240 it doesnt act right.. Now no matter what memory timming settings I use, it seems to always boot at 239 fsb with no problems what so ever... it just seems like no matter what amount of tweaking I do past 240 it just won't work......... anyone else have this issue?


Senior member
Jul 25, 2004
1) Reduce HTT From 4X to 3X
2) Increase voltage on Vdimm as high as you can
3) Sata drives should be placed on ports 3 and 4 with 1 and 2 disabled

Also - please state your specs to help others help you


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Changed sig, should show stats now.


I get alot of "Disk read error" once I start getting past 245fsb.. It will boot at 240fsb but WinXP acts nutty.


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Originally posted by: mickles
1) Reduce HTT From 4X to 3X
2) Increase voltage on Vdimm as high as you can
3) Sata drives should be placed on ports 3 and 4 with 1 and 2 disabled

Also - please state your specs to help others help you

Just curious and sorry to be a newbie, why does it matter what port the sata drive is on?


Senior member
Jul 25, 2004
When you get to about 245 FSB your SATA 1 and 2 ports are being overloaded and they will tell you that in the form of errors.

If you're running RAID, nvraid services will tell you.

A10 Pilot

Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
I have the same system w/ OCZ instead. I had to lower the memory from 200 to 100...but at 290 FSB that's all it can handle. It won't post with 133M. It will allow me 1T-2-2-2-5 timings though. 2.61 is what I ended up with.

Good luck:beer:


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
well it seems I've gotten it to 262x9 stable, 2-3-3-10 are the timings. Anything past 262, when installing a game from CDROM it gets errors finding files in the .cabs that are on the CDROM, its posting at 2.36ghz. Not bad, I just wish I could push it some more..

I dont get it tho, everything runs fine except when installing a game from CDROM it gets errors.. everything else seems pefect and I can get it up at 267x9 but have the CDROM installation issues.

A10 Pilot

Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
systemz -- what do you have the memory lock set at?

rayne: check the other thread ("a few questions...")

A10 Pilot

Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
OK, but what do you have set under: "Max Memclock (Mhz)" do you have auto, or 100, 133, 166, 200? I don't understand it, but the highest I can take my memory (and it doesn't seem to matter if I have 1T-2-2-2-5 or 2T-3-4-4-11 set) past these limits:

200 Mhz setting: ~208 Mhz @ 5 HTT (~205 FSB)
166 Mhz setting: ~200 Mhz @ 4 HTT (~260 FSB)
133 Mhz setting: ~180 Mhz @ 3 HTT (~270 FSB)
100 Mhz setting: ~157 Mhz @ 3 HTT (~314 FSB)

Mine is set to 100 now, and the DDR clock is 157Mhz...I haven't noticed much difference in any of the DRAM timings as far as benchmarks, fps's, or bootability is concerned. Is that normal?

As far as the CD-rom...can you borrow one from somewhere and see if it's hardware?



Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Originally posted by: A10 Pilot
OK, but what do you have set under: "Max Memclock (Mhz)" do you have auto, or 100, 133, 166, 200? I don't understand it, but the highest I can take my memory (and it doesn't seem to matter if I have 1T-2-2-2-5 or 2T-3-4-4-11 set) past these limits:

200 Mhz setting: ~208 Mhz @ 5 HTT (~205 FSB)
166 Mhz setting: ~200 Mhz @ 4 HTT (~260 FSB)
133 Mhz setting: ~180 Mhz @ 3 HTT (~270 FSB)
100 Mhz setting: ~157 Mhz @ 3 HTT (~314 FSB)

Mine is set to 100 now, and the DDR clock is 157Mhz...I haven't noticed much difference in any of the DRAM timings as far as benchmarks, fps's, or bootability is concerned. Is that normal?

As far as the CD-rom...can you borrow one from somewhere and see if it's hardware?

Here is the current setup
Max Memlock 200
Timing 3-3-4-10
257x9 and CPU at 1.525v and Mem at 1.85v

It seems to run stable at this, I can install programs from the CDROM without fail.. if I start bumping up the FSB past 260, I can sometimes install programs from the CDROM and sometimes not.. it will start failing, but everything else runs fine.. I can't figure it out. I don't think its the CDROM, why would it work at 257 vs 262 or.. 263?

A10 Pilot

Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
The CD ROM is probably not the problem. It is probably a conflict between the IDE driver and the memory, or it's the mobo if your HTT is set to 4x. Someone can call me out on this, but the reason I think it's the memory is that as soon as I reduce the memory to 166Mhz, I can bump the FSB up to 270. Also, with your HT multiplier at 4, your mobo is running at 1G, and it will not be happy operating faster than about 1040 Mhz (260 FSB at 4x HTT). So, if you want to raise your CPU faster than 9x 257, you will need to run your memory at 166, 133, or 100, and set your HTT to 3x. Of course, if you can share some benchmarks, we can compare our systems to see if either of us have a preffered setup.

My system: 3000+, MSI NEO 2 Plat, OCZ platinum 512Mb, eVGA 6800 gt, Zalman CNS-7000 HS+fan, and ultra x-connect 500w PSU

I'm still in a quandry why I can't run my memory faster than 157Mhz w/ 310 FSB...

My #'s:

Aquamark3: 58000
3dM05: 4000
3dM03: 11500
SiSoft Sandra Arithmetic
Dhrystone: 12k
Whetstone: 4200/5400
Int: 25k
FP: 27k
Doom3 Time trial: 47 FPS @ 1024x768, High Quality, 8x AA, 4x AT

Hit me back with your results


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
I would love to give my numbers, but I don't have my 6800 in yet.. I am on a GF4 for a week or so. I seem to be running stable at 157fsb.. at 200 memlock.

I was running at 3x HTT but it still didnt help past 160fsb..

Now, keep in mind.. I did work half the time at 160 and 161 but most the time not, at 157 I have had no issues..

I ordered OCZ 3200 Platinum Rev 2 and going to swap out my ballistix to see if that helps, why not.. My curiousity has the best of me now.. LOL, they weren't kidding when they said overclocking is an addiction.

I will post my results here.


Nov 7, 2004
Just curious - have you tried upping the voltage on your Crucial, and making it 2.5-2-2-5 like anandtech did @500DDR? What's your ratio set to?


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Originally posted by: bigpgo
Just curious - have you tried upping the voltage on your Crucial, and making it 2.5-2-2-5 like anandtech did @500DDR? What's your ratio set to?

Voltage is maxed out, I've tried various different memory timings and no workie, only thing that seems to work is 3-3-4-10



Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
Having to run your mem at CAS 3 isn't too great for that kind of overclock.

It could be your PSU, but I suspect it's the Ballistix.

TCCD chips can do 260 easy at 2.5-3-3-7, some people getting 285 in dual channel.


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Well, OCZ PC-3200 Rev 2 is due in friday, so I will be able to really see if it was the memory..... Hopefully I can squeeze more out of the OCZ

anyone with OCZ here have good results?


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Hey there, I just started messing around with oc'ing today. Here's what I've found so far (if this helps).
a64 3000+ running
2x512 mushkin pc3200 2222 weekend special
msi k8n neo2 platinum mb
Enermax 495ax-yacketyshmackety powersupply (highly recommend this. 18a to both rails (split +12v), active pfc, serial ata, pci e. Everything I've ever wanted.
Thermaltake k8 silentboost (lapped to boot!)
arctic silver 5 thermal paste.

I failed at 300fsb. Had to jumper reset.
The highest that I tested successfully was 295. I am now running at 290 (I can live without a few extra mhz with what I amg etting away with) to give my proc some stress breathing room.

I have a 9x multiplier:
2610mhz 9x290
ht= 3x (4x locks up)
cpu voltage is 1.55v*
mem voltage is 1.75v
memory timings set to manual
cool n quiet disabled
aggressive timings disabled
spread spectrum disabled

memory clock is at 166 (ddr speed is 241mhz). I am currenly running through memtest to see if it is stabile. I am testing timings. Currently it's set to 2.5, 4, 3, 10. (Mushkin has an articleon their site about athlon 64's having a wierd memory timing error once a month due to cas2ras timing issues. I don't know how accurate it is, I have never seen it validated, but I figured I would keep my cas2ras up 1 higher than normal. It's minimal performance sacrafice when you consider I'm running at 800mhz oc.

I was really annoyed by the poor documentation of the mb's features. The memory clock pissed me off. It says that it is the setting at which the max memory speed will be locked at. It's wrong.

*Also, maybe you guys can help me out! What does CPU VID mean? I am assuming it has something to do with voltage. howerver, changing this has no effect on the voltage of my processor. When I go to the the health screen, it still lists cpu core voltage as 1.4 no matter what I change that too. I have found that I have to change the vid +8% in order to boost my cpu voltage, and that changign the cpu vid does nothing for me. Is this the same for eveyrone else? I would recommend everyone to use the pc health page in bios to validate there voltages.

I am also really curious about hypertransports effect on performance. Currently I'm running at 870mhz.
I am wondering if it's hurting me more, than if I scaled back and ran maybe 260x4 or whatever I can get away with. I am guessing that ultimately, the 270 mhz would make up for the slower ht. What's your guys take on it?


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Nice.. my memlock is at 200..

I want to keep a 1:1 so that everything is up to speed and there is no bandwidth roadblocks, I believe going back on the memlock can slow you down a little, from what I read..


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Got the OCZ in and was able to get up to 270x9 pretty quick, need to play around some more.

A10 Pilot

Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
Whenever I wonder if one OC configuration is better than another, I test each separately using the benchmark that is most meaningful to me: my favorite game on the settings I like to use. Doom3 and HL2 both have timetrial benchmark features that help me out. Another great program is FraPS 99.

After all, that's why I bought the computer, right?

With a 6800gt card (@ 400/570 M), I'm getting 48 FPS on a Doom3 time trial with these settings:

High qual

It's not a perfect philosophy, but it helps me stay focused on what's really important.