Need video card advice for new build


Nov 3, 2003
Hi All,
I'm jumping back in to the hardware arena after a long break... I just bought everything below and I'm trying to decide the best video card to use:

CPU: i5-3570k
Mobo: ASRock Z77 Extreme 4
RAM: Crucial 16GB DDR3 1600
Cooler: Hyper 212+
SSD : Samsung 840 120GB
HDD : Seagate 2TB 7200RPM

I plan on OC'ing the CPU (at least marginally, not extreme). I play games at 1920 x 1080 and have a lot of old ones to burn through still. But some of the games I plan to play are BF3, ARMA II (DayZ) and Borderlands 2. I currently have an XFX 6950 2GB from my current computer that I was planning on cannibalizing for this build, but I'm not sure... it's only about a year old and I'm not sure that anything out right now will be a big enough upgrade to justify the cost. I typically like to stay in the $200 range for a GPU, but I am willing to go higher. What is the best option? Stay with the 6950 for awhile? Try to find another one for X-fire? Go with something new? I like the idea of an nVidia card just for the Physx but I don't have a preference.

I'll be heading to MicroCenter tomorrow so I'll have a chance to pick up something there.



Jan 8, 2011
7950 or 7970. You can OC the piss out of them. If you like Nvidia, go with the 670. Those cards are where its at right now.


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2005
7950 or 670. Those are your best bet if you want a real upgrade. If you are set on limiting the amount of money you spend then I would just look for a used 6950 on the forums here.
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