Need to quit smoking, advice on Vapo Ecigs??


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jan 31, 2000
I've already tried the Njoy and Blu ecigs and found them very lacking. Very little vapor and very little hit in the lungs and throat.

I've been looking into EGO ecigs (vaping) as they aren't very expensive but have a much bigger rechargeable battery and produce a lot of vapor.

Anyone here that uses one have any recommendations??



Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2002
Provari set + carto tank

or even a zmax, vamo, mvp, etc

ecig forums is pretty lively actually and good place to start if you want to take the next step.


Jun 13, 2000
Do e-cigs at least have a 'hot' end? Half of the allure to real cigarettes to me is being able to put them out on people that disagree with me.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I use two different vaporizers.

Joyetech e-Vic with a Kanger unitank bcc

Adjustable "spinner" ego battery also with a Kanger unitank bcc.

JM Aggie08

Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006

I thought you "need to quit smoking"?

For me it started out as an oral fixation - I enjoy blowing smoke. Naturally, things spiraled out of control and I was hooked.

With e-cigs, I was able to start with a higher nicotine content juice, and wean myself off nicotine completely. Now I use purely VG juice.


Feb 23, 2005
Provari set + carto tank

or even a zmax, vamo, mvp, etc

ecig forums is pretty lively actually and good place to start if you want to take the next step.

Why would you recommend a $200 setup for a newbie? :rolleyes:

OP: The eGo setup is great for your first setup. Ive set 3 friends (now ex-smokers) up with eGo's, and theyre basic enough you wont get too overwhelmed, yet, as you stated, have a bigger battery to last longer. And youre also right...anything you buy in a convenience store or the mall is almost a guaranteed failure. Theyre terrible. The key to actually quitting is finding a good juice that you like. If youre like most vape people, you'll have several. And thats OK! As long as you arent smoking!

As time goes by you'll learn more about vaping (it IS a rabbit hole!) and what features YOU like. There are so many different hardware configurations now you're certain to find one that works FOR YOU.


Oct 10, 1999
Ehh, Ecigs are worthless from the couple I've tried.
I quit for about a year while using snus the 1st month, then nothing after that.
I also quit for a few months with the patch...

Now, I smoke a pipe daily, and I smoke cigars on nice days, I'm sure it's terribad for me, but I very much enjoy it. I try to avoid cigarettes, since the easy/quick/convenient make them easy to smoke a lot... a pipe has to be packed and nursed slowly, and generally you try not to get the smoke into your lungs ... so one tends to smoke a lot less vs cigarettes...


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
My personal set-up is an MVP 2 with IBtanked. Back-up is an iTaste VV also with an IBtanked.

For a beginner on the cheap buy this. Gets you two batteries, two clearo's so you can keep two flavors handy, and a pack of spare heads. It's a solid set-up for a good price. I would buy a second charger as a backup though. Here is a variable voltage combo and is personally what I started with from that site.

Variable voltage is nice but not needed for a beginner. I'd get the above listed standard starter kit and if you want to try variable voltage on the uber cheap go to It's cheap Chinese ripoffs(for the most part) but since it's mostly Chinese stuff anyways it all pretty much comes off the same assembly line.

For juice checkout It's dirt cheap and decent quality. (flavor wise, ingredients are top notch.) It's made when you order and needs a week or so for the flavors to meld together well once you receive it.

I've been using ecigs for close to a year now, feel free to PM.
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Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2002
Why would you recommend a $200 setup for a newbie? :rolleyes:

OP: The eGo setup is great for your first setup. Ive set 3 friends (now ex-smokers) up with eGo's, and theyre basic enough you wont get too overwhelmed, yet, as you stated, have a bigger battery to last longer. And youre also right...anything you buy in a convenience store or the mall is almost a guaranteed failure. Theyre terrible. The key to actually quitting is finding a good juice that you like. If youre like most vape people, you'll have several. And thats OK! As long as you arent smoking!

As time goes by you'll learn more about vaping (it IS a rabbit hole!) and what features YOU like. There are so many different hardware configurations now you're certain to find one that works FOR YOU.

if this were any other forums i would have just suggested an $20 ego setup... but this is anandtech where the minimum wage is $100k.


Jan 14, 2013
you want to quit smoking, use chantix. i tried everything else and after 20 years of smoking, it's the only thing that worked. of course after quitting for 6 months i had a major emotional event happen which brought me back to it but nothing else i tried, including e-cigs, helped me quit for more than a few days.
May 13, 2009
Man up and quit cold turkey. Yeah that easy. Unless you're a fool that can't control an urge to smell like crap all day and gross everyone out around you.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2009
Ecigs, patches, gum, pills or whatever doesnt work. It is all crap IMO. I have smoked for 23 years. Decided enough was enough..could barely breathe, chest pains etc.

Stopped cold turkey...hell, the damn turkey wasnt was frozen. :)

Got really pissed off and said, I am no longer being a cigarettes bitch. Well, it has been 4 1/2 months now, and still havnt picked them back up and dont plan on it. Going on 5 months next week.

May sound harsh, and see comments like...not everyone can quit like that.
But, stick your finger in your vagina, pull out your penis and man up. Im not telling the OP this, because this is what I did myself. :) Dont be a wuss...realize what is important and just simply, stop. It is actually easier than one may think, especially if you make smoking piss you off.

EDIT: I basically have had the same smoking habits the entire 23 years, a pack or so a day...sometimes 2 packs per day. I came up with a number ...and it was this. I have spent almost $400 a month on cigs.
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Jul 16, 2001
Ecigs, patches, gum, pills or whatever doesnt work. It is all crap IMO. I have smoked for 23 years. Decided enough was enough..could barely breathe, chest pains etc.

Stopped cold turkey...hell, the damn turkey wasnt was frozen. :)

Got really pissed off and said, I am no longer being a cigarettes bitch. Well, it has been 4 1/2 months now, and still havnt picked them back up and dont plan on it. Going on 5 months next week.

May sound harsh, and see comments like...not everyone can quit like that.
But, stick your finger in your vagina, pull out your penis and man up. Im not telling the OP this, because this is what I did myself. :) Dont be a wuss...realize what is important and just simply, stop. It is actually easier than one may think, especially if you make smoking piss you off.

EDIT: I basically have had the same smoking habits the entire 23 years, a pack or so a day...sometimes 2 packs per day. I came up with a number ...and it was this. I have spent almost $400 a month on cigs.

..congratulations. first three days are physical then it's all in your head. The steam huffers aren't solving their problem.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2009
..congratulations. first three days are physical then it's all in your head. The steam huffers aren't solving their problem.
It also makes you feel good, when someone did you quit ? And the answer is, I did it all on my own. With no help from anyone or anything. Hell...smokers start on their own dont they ? Why not quit on their own ? Im proud to say, I did it all myself.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jan 31, 2000
Thanks guys for all of the replies. I've actually quit cold turkey before many times and it has worked.....for a while.

All i know is these things are hard to quit. And i'd rather be puffing on flavored vapor with nicotine in it than an actual cigarette with hundreds of carcinogens in them. :)


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Thanks guys for all of the replies. I've actually quit cold turkey before many times and it has worked.....for a while.

All i know is these things are hard to quit. And i'd rather be puffing on flavored vapor with nicotine in it than an actual cigarette with hundreds of carcinogens in them. :)

IF you decide to go this route, the best advice I was given was DO NOT just stop smoking and start vaping. You'll most likely fail if you do.
Instead, start adding the vaping into your smoking routine. Substitute the e-cig for a cigarette a few times per day. Cut down on the "real" cigarettes a few at a time. Then, when you're down to only a couple per day...stop smoking and use the vaporizer full time.

I've been "cigarette-free" for 14 months by doing it that way.

Yes, I'm still a nicotine addict...but I don't smell like an ashtray, I can do it in the house without pissing off my non-smoker wife, I feel better...and it's a fuck-ton cheaper.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
IF you decide to go this route, the best advice I was given was DO NOT just stop smoking and start vaping. You'll most likely fail if you do.
Instead, start adding the vaping into your smoking routine. Substitute the e-cig for a cigarette a few times per day. Cut down on the "real" cigarettes a few at a time. Then, when you're down to only a couple per day...stop smoking and use the vaporizer full time.

I've been "cigarette-free" for 14 months by doing it that way.

Yes, I'm still a nicotine addict...but I don't smell like an ashtray, I can do it in the house without pissing off my non-smoker wife, I feel better...and it's a fuck-ton cheaper.

Just like cold turkey it'll vary, I haven't had a smoke since the day I got my kit. I loved the taste and the thought of not inhaling all the crap we were getting. I was still getting my oral fixation along with nicotine so I was good. Migrating over is a very common route, just do whatever works for you OP. We're still hooked on the nicotine but it's cheaper and healthier.


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2002
i know literally 3 people that successfully quit cold turkey and dozens that quit cigs via vaping.

many of which quit everything together.

general public is just pretty ignorant to exactly successful vaping works as a smoking cessation device.


Jun 3, 2010
I've already tried the Njoy and Blu ecigs and found them very lacking. Very little vapor and very little hit in the lungs and throat.

I've been looking into EGO ecigs (vaping) as they aren't very expensive but have a much bigger rechargeable battery and produce a lot of vapor.

Anyone here that uses one have any recommendations??


go get a prescription for wellbutrin, start taking the med... continue smoking until ciggs taste like shit and you have no desire for one (took me 2 weeks... also drink heavily for this month if you have an association with drinking and smoking it breaks that connection) finish month of wellbutrin and no longer have any cravings for smoking. i smoked for 18 years i did what i listed and have not had a craving for a cigg for 18 months now (even took a puff off a friends a few months ago with no negative effect)

whats the one thing i miss? appetite suppression, ive gained some weight since quiting