Need to flash Asrock board BIOS to use new CPU


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2003
Putting an 8120 on an Extreme4 970, but the BIOS version is one version below what supports the AM3+ cpus. I don't have another AMD chip to put in the mobo to do this. Is there ANY way to flash the bios without a) sending the board to Asrock, b) taking the board to a local computer shop? Will the board POST at all with the 8120 in it and allow a flash? The board has version 1.30 15b (it's on a sticker), and AM3+ cpus aren't "supported" until version 1.4.

Any suggestions? Seems to me you used to be able to get to a bios screen (or something like it) years ago without putting the chip in...either that or my memory is failing more than I thought...

Please no discussion on "why this chip and not the 2500K." I got what I got and I got a deal.



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I think that you would most likely need an older AM3 CPU to flash the BIOS.

You can't get to a BIOS screen without a CPU.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2011
What would happen if the OP just plugged it in and tried it out? I'm curious if there is a possibility of damage to the cpu or if it just wouldn't post.


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2010
It just wont post
Doesnt have the micro code for other CPU
Same thing happened when the 2700K came out
The simple answer is to throw Linux Mint 12 on a spare HDD and use flashrom utility, which is an IN SYSTEM flasher and a very powerful one at that.
Its a walk in the park for someone who is familiar with Linux, so if you have a friend or relative who can do it, then drag them to your house

In a coupla hours you could prob figure it out for yourself
They give the code here you type in terminal for Mint to find and install latest .0.9.5, but in your situation - a simple overwrite - you could prob just do the normal software manager search thingy which would find and install .0.9.4 for you


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
A sempron 145 or 145 can be bought very cheaply and it will work for the flash. This may be the best option if it wont post with the 8120. I'll bet you can find one for $25 shipped. Then you can ebay it for about the same price, leaving your round trip cost equal to the cost of shipping.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2005
Have you contacted tech support? It looks like you could get a replacement bios chip for free.

Here's the first Newegg review:

Not FX Ready

Pros: Looks beautiful and the on board error led is great.
Cons: Shipped out without version1.4 bios and wont use my new FX 6100 CPU until it gets it. Annoying
Other Thoughts: Luckily tech support know of the issue and is sending me a new bios chip but it is a kick in the balls to get everything setup hit power and hear the computer turn on.... Than nothing. Like i said though on board Error lights helped out a lot so i am greateful for that
Here's another one:

Received with bios 1.2

Pros: Pretty good for the price and hooks up nice.
Dr. Debug is a life saver if you turn on your computer for the first time and nothing happens...
Cons: Like others mine was shipped without bios 1.4 which is what you typically need for compatibility with FX series processors.
Other Thoughts: If you get an error with FX 4100 or above it's an outdated bios. Contact asrock customer support at, or 1-909-590-8308. Trust me they know of this issue and will send you a replacement bios chip for free. Don't be an idiot and think you have to buy a low cost am3 processor for no reason. Once mine comes in I will do another review with hopefully good things to say.
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Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2001
asrock with mail you a preflashed bios for $20
of course you have to first mail them $20 (no credit or phone/internet payments) ...
get angry and maybe it's free, I should have yelled

another option would be spending $40+ on your own flasher like I had to do with my asrock board. I wanted to be sure when the bios has issues again i'm covered.
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Junior Member
Feb 28, 2012
I recently purchased an Extreme 4 X79 for use with a 3820. The board came with BIOS 1.2, so I called their tech support and they had a new chip overnighted. I would imagine you should get the same deal. All I had to do was email them the invoice and my shipping address. I simply replaced the chip and it recognized it.

I would say it worked like a charm, aside from the defective memory slot, and the nightmare RMA situation I'm having with Newegg.


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2003
Thanks for the replies, everyone. I almost went the Sempron route, but contacted their tech support first. I cannot talk on the phone so I had to email, and I fully expected the response to be delayed by a few days or more. However, I got an email back within the hour. :)

After I emailed them my receipt from Newegg, I got a reply today that they are mailing me a new BIOS chip to install, and they sent instructions on how to do it. Seems pretty easy.

Their tech support really surprised me with their fast answers, and for that I give them 5/5 stars in tech support.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2005
That's great! Let us know how it goes once you get the chip and install it.

Your experience also makes me impressed with the Asrock tech support. Hopefully I never need them, but it's good to know that it's easy to get a quick response from them. I bought the Asrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 about 6 months ago, so I'm still under warranty. It's been an excellent board, especially since it cost $90 less than a similarly featured ASUS that I was looking at :)


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator <br> Video Cards
Apr 6, 2004
Asrock Tech support stepped it up in the recent months. They are now active on the newegg reviews as well.


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2003
"I received the BIOS chip from [Asrock] and carefully installed it as per instructions, with the dot facing the correct way.

The computer will not POST. The fans will come on, but that is all. There is no beep, and there are only two zeros in the debug screen on the motherboard. With just the CPU (FX 8120 with a Cooler Master 212 fan), RAM chips (two 4GB GSkill Ripjaws 1333 approved on the list on their website), and video card (HDRadeon 6450) and chassis fans attached I tried to power it up and only the fans came on, the debug screen showed double zeros, and that was it. No beeps like we usually hear when a computer starts up."

I sent this message to Asrock just now.

Tried it with 1 stick of RAM, too, and cleared the CMOS for good measure. Even plugged up the HDD and SSD in vain hope. Nothing. After waiting 4 days for the chip to show up in the mail, had to wait yet longer for the right time to install it and begin the build...only to be faced with this. Tempted to just ditch the board and get something else...but I can't afford that. This is frustrating. I miss Abit. Never, ever had a problem with their boards. Last board was ASUS, though...but for some reason I just don't like it.

*sigh* Another wait.