I need to test a verizon phone that I have to see if it works or not. I know if your signed up for verizon's online account you can change the ESN number of your phone online. Once changed, I need to make 1 call to myself to confirm the phone works. Shouldn't take long.
Willing to pay for someones help here, dont want to go signup at verizon just to see if it works.
oh and no, i dont have verizon, switched to cingular awhile ago.
pm me if you can help, we can talk on msn or aim through the whole ordeal.
Willing to pay for someones help here, dont want to go signup at verizon just to see if it works.
oh and no, i dont have verizon, switched to cingular awhile ago.
pm me if you can help, we can talk on msn or aim through the whole ordeal.